5 Year Old Wins Her FIRST Ever Chess Game! #shorts
The Joy of Winning for the First Time! ❤️
Video: ChessBase India
#Chess #ChessBaseIndia #magnuscarlsen #magnus #hikarunakamura #worldchampionship #chessgame #shorts #chessgame #chessshorts #checkmate
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Why are these five year olds better the me 😂😢
she forgot the B-pawn
Bro she better than me
Doesn't she look like Alex botez
they played so gently, little cuties <3
The 5y didnt notice the queen
Damn she misses Qb5….
Damn when i was at the age of 5 i was only learning english
Thank god it was another child. Imagine an adult bearing the title of being the first to lose to a 5 year old child
Still not checkmate though
Wow she 5 and she is good MY 1st game I lost
She def watched Bobbybojangles
🥵 🥵 🥵
It wasn’t checkmate though the opponent could have moved her queen diagonally backwards
My 4 Yr sister using her pawn to travel 10 dimensions and wipe out my whole army in one move: Yay I won 😊😊
They can’t even beat Magnus 😂😂 so bad
So cute❤
I'm 9 years old and I am 1650 and I am shocked because she is 5 and she knows chess
And here's me 15 years old blundering checkmate 💀
Does anyone else think she looks like Alexandra Botez
So sweet
Con esa ventaja cualquiera
I wish both of them all the success. ❤
Nah I learned how the pieces moved when I was 7 💀🥹
Im ten and i just lost to a 7 year old and now idk
Me at 18 still wondering how a knight moves
Caption is 🧢tion
Caption is 🧢
That was sweet 🎉
She looks like alexandra botez
She is the exact opposite of a girl who played at a chess tournament I was attending. She couldn't do the ladder mate
enter kevdogg:
that head nod at last is the sweetest thing I seen in a chess match between two chess players
How cute they were nodding heads saying game over
It's an Indian thing to shake heads.
that was a very clean conversion, congrats to her!
She is so cute sweetheart ❤❤😊
the girl with the white could of killed her queen
I love how they agree by shaking their heads 😂
How cute is this
Something's wrong with Indian kids, too many prodigies
I think i won first ome at 5 too but my first game of chess i think
Awww her cute little smile, i hope she will be WGM someday. Her endgame play is way better than me or all of my friends at chess
She was loosing with a lot of pawns left but had a better attack position
Rapid Knocking
"It's me, Goku!"
Where can I buy this chess board, can anyone pls tell me