50 KNIGHTS vs 1 PAWN #shorts #chess
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This channel is inspired by my favorite youtuber Top Chess If you enjoyed this video, consider subscribing. I love making video about chess and memes. I make commentary for funny chess games, with blunders, brilliant moves and checkmates.
Average war strategy of Hunnics
What the #########🗿
isn't that checkmate?
Knight is ww2 start
Ima remember this one
Knight G2 is checkmate
Whats the ai voice called?
this is me when somebody says I'm trash I just go 9,000 IQ
There are 38 knights, right?
Who is draw
Thats not stalemate tho thats checkmate, stalemate is king v king, whereas checkmate is when the king cannot make a move without getting taken by the enemy
wait isn't that checkmate?
U can still lose 😂
I don't get why it's a draw if the king can't move to a square than that's checkmate
Its JoJo Reference
50 Nazis vs one Jew
1 pawn vs 50 Cossack
lmao why does the pawn sound indian
Kg2+ or Kc2+ 🤷♂️⚰️
The pawns voice=Indian actor (in my opinion)
No it is kesh king the king lost
How this got only 40 likes?
Unpublished this cringe
Mongolia skull emoji
Bro said he is pinning us when thr pawn was forking thrm
Hold on isnt thst considered checkmate?
Mongolia empire be like:
You know what's coming when Georno's theme plays 💀
Stalemate jiji jajajaja
Lol fr
The jojos song got me😂😂😂
"i think i just pissed my pants"
got me falling off the couch
btw the king is albert einstin at the end
The square the pawn moved to and the one behind turned yellow when he said I think I just pissed my pants… lol
That was brilliant😂
Nazi got defeted
"He is pinning us"
Gothamchess: cries in a corner
Que god
Cờ hoà bà r:)
'You don't even have pants'
Ohh!! I think that 1 po*n