50 QUEENS vs 1 PAWN | Chess Memes #21

50 QUEENS vs 1 PAWN | Chess Memes #21

#chess #chessmemes #memes

%1$ Comments144

    Looks like white was actually martin

    Just kill the pawn and boom game over.
    Also is black didn't move him immortal pawn he could have won and that would be real comedy

    We gotta give respect to black king because he even survived that long (yes there was mate in 1 but hey let's not make the situation worse)

    I like how there was mate in 1 and they didn’t see it
    Edit: How am I getting so many likes?

    if it was a fair mactch white dead😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

    I like when in the starting u can cut pawn with the queen and BOOM a check mate but white did wrong and funny moves to make us laugh

    Did the chessboard had 49 queens except 50 queens

    Queens are not the strongest piece the legendary queens

    That's not fair for black and I thought that the pawn was a legendary pawn

    I watched a video where there were 50 white kings and one of the white king was flirting with the black queen and now the kings wish amentrye with 50 queens

    I love how there were like 1mil mate in 1 but the same mistake happens all the times

    he could have just cut down a pawn at the very beginning :

    Я видел мат на каждом ходу, включая первый во всей игре, и то, что они держались пока не взялся за дело белый король – нужно уметь

    First step: get ur queen to kill that pawnFinal step:check mate😂


    How many queens does it take to checkmate a king?? lol

    Cool video, give me some advice on video editing

    bro the black king won it was his turn the pawn could have killed the white king

    bro these videos suck there’s so many obvious checkmates that are missed, half the video time is just talking and the “memes” aren’t even funny, overall, I lose brain cells when watching these

    why didn't white do Qf8 at the start. it would of been automatic checkmate

    Me: Why didn't they capture the pawn

    having 50 queens vs 1 pawn and a king and killing two queen or more is actually impressive because its almost impossible to play fair with that match up

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