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Enjoying all the love Ding is getting 😂 the mems are great😂
Actually the fork in 6:23 is not a problem. Qb6; exf6,Qxb5; fxg7,Kxg7 and stockfish is saying tha black are Ok and white have nothing, the black king is safe on g7.
But i am 1500rated player…just i thought that it would be good defensive game for Ian if he played Nce5 with good chances to draw it.
So, I've been playing a 100% win rate World Championship level opening all this time?
Wow, amazing game, ding is a complete genius
840th comment
The goat is back 🔥
You’ve used the same image for a thumbnail before
Happy for Ding, hope he wins this.
13:32 from that position what is wrong with knight e8 threatening Queen g7 mate? The other pieces are too far to stop it no?
bro gets these up too fast i cant even finish blundering my rook
I'm still rooting for Magnus to win
Hey Gotham, can you do a video on how to improve 2500 elo in one day?
mad respect to Gotham for legit coming back 30 minutes ago from a flight and still making an amazing recap
I was watching the stream and I could see Ding shaking a bit when he set this up
6:24 just to clarify the fork is not really a threat because of Qb6, but the resulting position after trading bishop for a knight is not really nice
i watched hikarus recap too but levy's is… insane, much more understandable and he makes you watch it, you know? love ya levy, keep going!
Let's go Ding! These games have been CRAZY so far, rooting for my boy here, what a wild storyline it would make if he won this!
When you remove the top dog. The championship is actually exciting again!
Watching Levy has gotten me into chess which is something I never thought was going to happen…
Nepo and game 6's never go well together…
What a game! What a recap!
6:00 if he turns into an avalanche then ding definetely shouldn't become a horse.
It is an unavoidable rule to respect this man
Hi maybe im stupid and no brain player but why Black loose rigth to castle at 04:41? U can use your knigth and dont move your king
I think this was one of the reasons why Magnus decided not to defend his title. It's fun to see other people play these matches instead of going for grinding endgames. Breathes some fresh air into the top level of chess.
19:07 i think kinght to f8
what if levy kiss me on my cheeks. I would like that.
I think if ian played his best it would be a 1 side match
You get outta here
That checkmate is so cold!
Ding ding
This WCC is like an absolutely epic Boxing match. The hype is real
His has to be Ding's best endgame ever played!!
11:53 "Ding plays the move h5, exactly the same thing that happened between him and Ding" Ah yes, the famous Ding-Ding game 😛
5:54 “Ian is like a snowball” -Gotham 2023
Disgusting. Simply disgusting.
17:27 Only 20 minutes for d5. Not even a lifetime would suffice most of us to find that disgusting checkmate.
Nepo is great, but I'm rooting so freaking hard for China's first World Chess Champion.
I am only a 900 but these flanking moves are the must-see of this match