AlphaZero CRUSHED Stockfish!

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%1$ Comments136

    The thing is I bet it isn't consistent. A machine learning model may sometimes just do stupid moves. Now a hybrid between machine learning AND game theory… Now that's something

    AlphaZero make stockfish look like a child vs MAN 💪

    "For the last 2 decades computers exceeded human capabilities, but in 2017 everything changed"
    *Proceeds to show another AI fighting stockfish

    Google in 2017: Chess AI beats stockfish
    Google in 2022: I beat bard in 4 moves

    Upgraded AlphaZero will be called AlphaNegative 🤣

    what if AlphaZero vs Magnus Carlsen? hmmm

    And what is different Alpha Zero from a chess computer?? It is a chess computer, but more powerful. Right?

    Not only jailed. The French had the Queen's head chopped off

    Fish : They need robot, to defeat another robot

    this match was rigged in alpha zero favour, the.point was for it to win test how it would fair against the strongest engines.

    Deep Blue and every chess ai through 2005 – Trade! Capture! Trade!

    Alpha zero – capturing an immobile piece is a wasted move.

    Lol answer this what's a chess player greatest defender

    I’ve done that before to one of my opponents it was beautiful, and it actually looked exactly like it looks thwre

    One mistake in stockfish is to put the rook on e8. The queen has no future to get out of this corner of chess, it was necessary to play king f8 and gradually pull the queen out of this imprisonment, and then there would be a threefold repetition of moves—a draw.

    Chess is obsolete in determining intelligence. RTS games like age of empires and star craft require FAR more skill and strategic thinking than chess. Chess is for noobs.

    AlphaZero made stockfish become stuckfish 💀

    i fr thought alphazero would just capture it's own queen or smth

    Hey I recognize that! My dad always used that against me when we played chess.

    2023 and stockfish is rocking the board…

    When You realise Alphazero is also an AI who defeated the Strongest AI..

    The best thing is alpha zero had only 24h time to learn chess 💀

    I don't know what you are talking about. I get my queen trapped like that often and Im 1300

    So why is it not the option for black to move Re4 to force queen off of line to defend rook?

    I don't know a lot about this, but some version of Stockfish seems to win about every computer tournament. TCEC.

    It's a literal checkmate on the queen 😂

    Can someone explain something for me. He said that this chess computer was unbeatable. Idst what google had made was just another chess computer(robot) isnt what they made just the same as the chess computer

    You've heard of the french opening. Now get ready for: the french endgame

    So who's better alphazero,stockfish or Komodo dragon

    Move the 8th row rook and slowly bring out the king. That's the only thing I can see to do, but yeah .. I still think he's attached to another object by an incline plane wrapped helixly around an axis.

    The artist formerly known as stockfish is now known as just fish because alpha zero took all its stock

    Just so everyone knows- this was a long time ago. Stockfish would demolish alphazero now.

    In this game alphazero moved same pieces again and again loosing the tempo and this probably confused stockfish and itz algorithm went wrong.

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