Andrew Tate smokes Piers Morgan || Digital CHESS BOARD added on-screen

Piers Morgan invited Andrew Tate on his show once again, after the normal interview and discussion, Piers Morgan decided that they play a game of chess to end the show and this is how it went.


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#andrewtate #chess #piersmorgan

%1$ Comments464

    that quote is retarded. mikhail botvinnik became world champion by getting his phd in electrical engineering. according to his biography, his electrical engineering gave him insights about how to analyze chess and how to think about it, how to train properly, etc. and that is not too unusual when talking about good players that are not world champions

    Bro said believe in yourself when he only have a bishop on the bored😂😂😂

    blunder in 10 moves is about right for a shaky show host

    Ppl who says Piers did bad has to realize its supposed to be a speed chess and he’s on air at the same time. Beginner player would do just as bad as Piers, or worse. And Andrew did good. He may actually be great but as his opponent is just a beginner, he did good.

    his huge ears and bald head dont look amazing on that backdrop

    clearly by this opening better than you, after 2 moves

    What Morphy said is that if you want to get great results in chess you only play chess all the time and nothing else. That's why waste of life.

    These two have the intellect of 12-15 year old boys.

    Hahahahaha oh dear Piers, he blundered away his queen early and Tate went on a monologue after that XD

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