Andrew Tate smokes Piers Morgan || Digital CHESS BOARD added on-screen

Piers Morgan invited Andrew Tate on his show once again, after the normal interview and discussion, Piers Morgan decided that they play a game of chess to end the show and this is how it went.


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#andrewtate #chess #piersmorgan

%1$ Comments464

    Piers was a joke when tate moved his horse he didn't even look what it locks there is no player in the world that doesnt look what his opponents move locks or will lock

    Morgan really fell for the trap, j was watching the queen all the time and every move he made of queen was the worst one😂

    Piers and top g will be friends behind the scenes.

    Lol, good lord

    Skimming thru these comments made me remember how many 15 year olds think of tate as a role model…

    andrew sucks, the opponent had be4 forking queen and knight.

    Sexism is so narrow-minded. I know there are real women in the military who would smoke his arse when it comes to life and everything that's good.

    “There is no luck in chess you made a mistake”. I never thought of that but he is absolutely right

    Piers morgan’s queen hanging on G4

    Piers morgan: Castles

    Bro thinks 1M dollars is a lot of money

    I mean watching the 2d view of board Peirs isn't that good…Tate seems okay..

    Piers kinda sucks, he missed 1 major dodge

    It’s was over on ♟️ pawn H. They both missed it 😏

    "The ability to play chess is the sign of a gentleman. The ability to play chess well is the sign of a wasted life." – Seems to be still appropirate on this day and age. Still a lot of men who play chess "well" DO IT FOR THE MONEY and thats all they know how to spend their time and im not talking about the 1% PROFESSIONAL CHESS PLAYERS. Im talking about the regular people who waste a day or two in the park playing chess more than 8 hours a day.

    br andrew shoulda moved his queen up ftom d1 to d2 when piers mvoed his bishop


    Oliver - international stream manager says:

    His father was an international master. Do your research Piers.

    Tate does not play badly, of course Piers' despicable game highlights Andrew's ability, but in my opinion I give Andrew 1500 and 1750 elo and Piers between 500 and 800.

    Andrew is not cool in chess but looser is really dumb in game

    Piers is as pompous and terrible as I thought he'd be, and Tate wasn't as good as I thought he would be. He had mate way sooner.

    u gave tate white, why? its advaantageous and we know tate has more experience in chess so he should start with black

    Wow piers is horrendous at chess and he thought he was good, the delusion is insane

    Tate was actually okay

    Oh and he is accused of rape lol ya he a really good person lmao

    Isn't the tate Brothers being charged with human trafficking??? And your paying chess with this bum? Lmao

    At the minute 1:59 of the video or 3:11 of the game tate could've won, if he moved the queen to G7

    I like Tates version of the quote better because any 8 year old child can learn the basic chess moves to play chess well you need some dedication but to be an expert you have to invest you're life every day every year to achieve that. I love chess it says a lot when getting to know someone

    'i always accidentally take someones chick' right after taking his queen is PUNNY and SAVAGE damn i like it


    That blatant bait with the knight wouldn’t have gone down well with anyone over 300 ELO.

    Piers plays literally awful, I do not even play chess and I would win easily

    Piers makes mistakes that my 6 year old son wouldn't make.

    lmao I love how the thumbnail has the worst move imaginable on it


    2:39, move between the king and tower. What's the name of it in chess terms? Can anyone explain to me when is allowed to do that, how many times and so on? Thanks!

    Tate was way ahead of piers and was playing easy

    Piers talked that shit. Then played worse than my 13 yr old daughter. That was painful to watch.

    “I always accidentally take some ones chick“ 😂😂😂😂😊

    It was so hilarious when Tate casually kept on saying "Check"


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