Andrew Tate’s First Chess Game Out Of Jail…

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%1$ Comments326

    How can we know its him playint we cant even see the players names… And even if thats his name, could be anyone

    but how do u know he playeed this game?


    maybe Andrew will convert into a chess streamer…

    I personally doubt Andrew Tate could actually play 21 moves in his head without losing the position like he said in his tweet. I'm much higher rated than Andrew Tate and I definitely can't do that

    That’s not his account lol he said he has a secret account with a random username

    So I have just worked out what would have been his British Chess Federation rating and it is around 124 which is a reasonable club player in a lower division. There is no disgrace in that but if you seriously think someone with that level of skill play blindfold up until 21 moves then you are as deluded as he is.

    I've edited the comment because I replied to it below correcting my original mistake but people obviously haven't noticed.

    Basically, what it amounts to is he is bragging about his skill in chess as if he is some kind of Grandmaster when in actual fact he is a reasonable player but a million miles away from the kind of standard of players who play the game professionally.

    For a 1650 player I would expect him to be able to play a whole game blindfolded without mentally losing the position. I remember I could do it at about 1700 consistently with talking to others in parallel. I play 1850 now and I find some endgame positions with not more than 10 pieces easier to calculate looking at the ceiling.

    Andrew cyborg double has been doing very well actually

    1) we hate andrew tate
    2) I will not ever be watching your videos again for putting him on. Disgusting

    4:48 kg1 is not safe due to roock h7 going for mate or trade a pair of rooks and win the endgame with the bishop

    Officially it's just house arrest. He's not fully free as many believe.

    He's going to fish for Andrea Botez.

    By the way, that portrait of Andrew Tate did not move. Where's the real video of Tate playing Chess?

    He has mad dedication
    Mans just got outta prison to play some chess

    I guess chess speaks for itself even in jail

    This is fake asf 😭😭. He cropped the chess names out because he knows it’s not Andrew

    Damn I never knew that Tate was so good at chess

    "now he's looking to penetrate these lovely holes" – OttoMeister 2023

    Dude just got out and already started playing chess

    1:58 I am not sure this is a blunder, he can counter such a move by exchanging a bishop for 2 or 3 pawns there, depending on the follow up. First he takes both pawns with check at the end and then he can still snach the pawn at g5 with the queen. PS, actually taking the third pawn in response to either a knight or bishop or queen defense is the best idea. If you are lucky, he will go for the seemingly most juicy move, which is defending with bishop, which opens a possibility of a tentative checkmate, if the oponent blunders and not sees it coming.

    i’ve never seen him play anything but the queens gambit

    I don't care for this guy at all, but I am always hearing about how he plays chess.
    I'm disappointed in how bad he and his opponent are, I know they both have really low ratings but jesus christ it's just a game of 2 bad players making mistakes until someone accidentally wins.

    I don't get why there are so many positive comments…

    pawn b5 at 2:00 would have led to the exact same exchange of pieces "bite a bullet"

    They are both never over 1.600 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

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