Basic Chess Openings Explained

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%1$ Comments136

    Bro I love you but I literally just arrived in the chess world, why are you talking about fried livers in a video titled "basic chess openings? Zoom out more brother.

    What happend to him, Old gotham videos are so much more watchable then the more recent ones…😉

    gotta be honest, too much rambling and opinion. just teach openings.

    Im a 2000 elo player and i'll be playing a WIM and/or FM in an upcoming event, i aim to get a draw against the two, so should i enter the main lines or not?
    Thanks for your videos the are helping me build a lot of self esteem

    Im on jobova London white Scandinavian def black.
    But im only 700

    I am a beginner chess player, i always use king pawn opening. In 3 – 4 game i can win with this opening but after that, I always lose with that opening. So can you help me what's the problem with that opening?

    Why is he so respectful, I want the new version

    Lost 21 games straight today , feeling depressed!

    great video – I'm just starting kooking at openings. Get a handfull of set opening memorized seems like next step for me.

    I kinda want to know from which video Levy switched from "Thanks for watching" to "Get outta here"

    I know t's been 3 years, but when playing the Bird as white how can you effectively counter the From's gambit?

    it would be very cool to make a video how to react against toxic pawn players

    perfect explanation, learned a lot. make to 1000 😁 just with king indian, thanks levy

    What software do these chess content creates use to move pieces that include the arrows and other visuals?

    Well done mate! I am heading back into chess soon this video will help!

    This is what I needed A set piece opening the Queens pawn London Thank you

    I forgot what it’s called but I know….uh I think….krujis opening???

    Dude I started playing chess two weeks ago and im beating my friends badly because I watch your videos

    The kings Indian has got me from a miserable 130 to a 205! – I've been playing for two weeks now and I'm loving it!!

    Im 15 so im investing my years to chess ive always loved chess since i was 12

    Me rankes at just 400 right about to take this knowledge to grind up

    I didn't know the name but I know the move🗿

    Thanks for this simple and easy to understand video. I want to learn how to open well in chess but I’m so afraid of how complicated it’s going to be straight up.

    Bro said even if you're 600.. not me enjoying being 200 and playing awful chess against other awful players 😂

    can you show me an opening where I can mate in one move, thx

    hes so sophisiticated in the vid 💀

    Cheers Gotham. I’m a fairly new player and really want to look at openings. To give my moves at the start a purpose

    Title is not true. You didn't explain basic chess openings.

    I don't which type of player I'm. But in my opinion I started chess 2-3 months ago so I might be a beginner.

    Could u tell me what opening should I choose for a better game

    i like when he says “quite significantly”. what a sophisticated gentleman.

    is kings pawn opening an ok opening for intermediate?

    I love how levy sounds so chill and level headed in this video when in his recent videos he sounds like he smoking some crack up his asshole and yelling like a mentally disabled child

    It’s so weird to see Levi talk so formal

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