Bob Olfert CUP. BIG WOW vs WFM Fatality. Chess Fight Night. CFN. Blitz

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#ChessFightNight #Chess #LiveChess

%1$ Comments58

    Rapidamente se nota que es un hombre personificando a una mujer, además de que debe ser un GM, por el fortísimo ataque y la rapidez con las que hacía las jugadas.

    there is a pawn hidden between the 2 queens, that's why I didn't understand what was played

    Чет не понял, а почему 2 раза на 8:37 и 9:06 ферзя не съела?

    Рей Энигма на минималках

    Почему здесь не был указан рейтинг игроков?

    She can take the qween
    And the game over for her

    Вот что интересно. Там в роли женской копии Энигмы реально женщина или все таки полноватый мужчина с эксцентричным видением). Так то парик и вроде как грудь в наличии. Но стиль игры). Хотя в любом случае мои поздравления,играет отменно.

    CFN, Back in the 60's there was a guy (Napolian 1VX) who recorded the hit song, "THEY'RE COMING TO TAKE ME AWAY". The album sited that nobody in the studio knew who he was because he came into the studio with a paper bag on his head with two holes cut out for his eyes. Seeing Fatality's opponent instantly made me think of this. I can clearly see that Fatality is very amused with this character.

    Essa partida foi contra o Rey enigma?

    Ваша соперница играла сама? какая то дичь

    🤨 Interesting opponent

    Por qué no ponen el tablero virtual en sus grabaciones?🇩🇴🇩🇴🇩🇴

    Jeu non conventionnel qui se nourrit des failles adverses, magnifique attaque !!!

    Is Big WOW the Fatality's mother? She looks like.
    In my opinion Big WOW Is the VP.
    Good game!

    8:35 Why not take the white queen? black's position is cramped but white doesn't have immediate resources to deliver checkmate. I think it was joke, not a proper game.

    Есть подозрение, что Лиза играет со своей мамой, президентом этого шахматного клуба.

    Матка Боска, що ща жахіття????

    why fatality didn't take big wow's Queen?

    what a lovely aggressive attack on fatality's king

    "Oh, Grandma. What big hands you have!" 🐺

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