Can I Beat This Plane at Chess?
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ummm…planes don't go thousands of miles an hour lol. They'll typically aim for 600mph. Over 760 mph you have to contend with the sound barrier. Specialized military planes will go faster than that, but not most.
I did this n Sunday 2 days ago in air canada
Plane that goes "thousands and thousands of miles per hour."
playing a tesla would be a funny video
You should do a video commentating an anarchic chess game
Where did it go, WHERE DID IT GO, where dis the tennis ball go? TELL MEEEEE…
Absolutely love the idea of this series.
For the last game, at 21:07, you play kxf7. I'm not the best at chess and I could have made a mistake here but couldn't you play rook to e8 to sacrifice the rook for the bit and then use that for checkmate? Because if rook takes then qf7, kd1, qh7 checkmate right?
what if you beat the plane and then the plane breaks down and crashes
I miss sarcastic mean Levy
"If you're 4 and you beat up a 4-year-old, that's fair game" -GothamChess 2023
Im telling you make it a serie
I took a vacation overseas the other day, and I played chess both on the plane and on the bus.
The bus cheated me out of winning the first game by not letting me move queens that I had promoted, but it's easy mode was otherwise was way better at chess than the plane's hard mode.
I hate gotham so much his hair line blinds me and makes me sick also his glass make him have four eyes.
We need treadmill rematch right now
Can't wait to see Levy vs The Refrigerator.
video starts at: 1:29
I would love to see more of this. I think it would make for good learning content, because of how chaotic it can be not knowing if your plane is going to drop out of the sky because you schooled it in a game of chess. =]
Call the series “humanity prevails?”
I'd bet any amount of money that there's a chess program built into the ISS. Levy: NASA Public Relations will definitely collaborate with you!!! (From the ground simulator, of course.)
I think this would be a great series! Very entertaining video
Sure, beat up the entire range of appliances, vehicles, all of it. Then make a tierlist of it afterwards ranking whats best. Get the teslas to play the airplanes. The possibilies
Yeah, definitely a series!
W walter white
Given his evolution over the past several years, I can only imagine that in another decade, Levy will be playing chess against abstract concepts.
please make this a series. i want to see you lose to a toaster
i love going multiple times the speed of sound in planes
requesting Levi to make a vid of him playing tennis.
“Thousands of miles an hour” Commercial planes go like 500. I don’t see any passenger airlines breaking mach 1 lol
4 year joke killed me
I'm definitely up for a Levi plays toasters series.
i played in an air europa plane and the movements of the pieces and captures where animated lol
I really enjoyed this video but out of curiosity, how were you able to show us your games vs the plane? Did it give you an option to download the moves or something or did it give you an option to save these games to your email address? 🙂
Gotham be careful though…the more you win the stronger they'll come back…
I wanna see the Chessla battle
Levi randomly: tennis ball!😃
Thousands of miles an hour is crazy.
I’m glad he actually did what his poll said
This is fascinating
Make this a series
if you can beat a fridge, that would be my favorite gotham video of all time
It’s not thousands my G
It might be interesting as a series if the bots were actually strong
I want to see Levy vs a texas treadmill tbh
I like the idea of this being a series. It'd be fun to find out which brands of appliances/exercise equipment put the better chess bots in their products.
Fabi beat a Tesla already, but go for it
4:30 I guess I’m just Walter white
You should play a game against one of those one-person chess sets that lights up to show you how to move for the bot