Can We Ban Magnus Carlsen?

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%1$ Comments420

    Fire fighters sometimes do a controlled burn in front of a fire so the out of control fire won’t be able to spread. That’s kinda fighting fire with fire

    Magnus feel alive in underdog state 🙂

    Weird AL Parody —
    "Hey Gotham you so fine, you gonna be a chessly find , hey Gotham!!! Hey Gotham"
    "Hey Lucy you so fine, you gonna play this game of mine! Hey Lucy! Hey Lucy!"

    Levy,if you are held hostage say Frank opening Zschentage variation line 3 in the next video

    hope they give yoiu food there and hope they don't leave the ligtht on during night time bro

    Hopefully someone already said it but you can fight fire with fire

    I think it’s to do with forest fires, if you burn woods down ahead of a first fire the fire will stop as nothing left to burn.

    The best player in the world… residing in India. lol.

    magnus winning endgames is normal but you levy, you making a video while being held hostage is truly what a magicman could do.

    Fire can be fought with fire. The two co texts are in forest fire fighting where you burn the underbrush to make fire lines (reigns without fuel that the fire can burn) to contain fires. The second is in the case of a oil spill/well fire, you can use an explosive to push the burning gasses and air away, momentarily smothering the flames and stopping the fire so that repairs and cleanup can occur.

    If someone bans Carlson, someone else has to ban the person that banned him

    @GothamChess , Why didn't Vishy move King to b2 after getting Checked?!!!!

    Blink three times if you're being held against your will!

    Is Lucy holding you against your will? Say carrot if yes 😂😂😂

    Seriously Boet , some laterals and curls, shoulder presses will do wonders for you

    The maddest part is how much clarity Magnus has with so little time. Wild shit.

    You can indeed fight fire with fire AKA wild fires

    Levy, you literally make me laugh so much( in a good way)🙏

    Levy you're on Vacation for goodness sake 😂 you dont need to be daily uploading!

    Magnus tweeted that he didn't see the stalemate, and only promoted to a knight because he couldn't ind the queen

    Props to the kidnapper for letting Levy record.

    The way you explaing the situation every time is GORGEOUS!!

    Hang in there buddy. Decoding the pattern of your blinks is taking some time, but we’ll get there

    Wow… Levy seems incredibly aggressive for being on a vacation. You sure you ain't been held at gunpoint?

    Hats off to Magnus for pulling something like that and Levy for making us mortals understand it ❤❤❤❤❤❤

    Hi Vladimir Chesslove! It's so good to see your videos🙂

    I can’t believe you insulted our chess playing abilities while asking for our help

    I am a Firefighter. “Controlled Burns” are an excellent and common method to fight/mitigate wildfires. In chess terms, they are a “prophylactic” move 🙂

    Only one youtuber can make vids while he is being held hostage

    Magnus Carlsen is just a savage Chess player


    The comment section is hilarious 😂😂😂😂 maaaaan we chess people are funny 🤡🤣

    I feel bad for levy he doesn't look good, they are not feeding him?

    Pretty sure Magnus was meming on Twitter since the queen he started the game with should be right there

    "And he did all this from a position where it's literally not possible to win with Black"
    Proceeded to win with black

    “Best end game technique” – Magnus sacrificing his queen against Hikaru in a championship

    In area wildfires you can do controlled burning of lanes of vegetation to deny wildfire possible direction of spreading.

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