Can We Ban Magnus Carlsen?

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%1$ Comments420

    8:06 isn't bishop to e3 a horrible move? Queen can take pawn at c3 and fork the king and the rook… unless my 1200 self is not other implications of that move

    @gothamchess how do I send you a game that I played? Just getting into chess and I thought I played a decent game

    Sagar tells b6 right. After quenning bro ,,you wrong

    Levy in the next video touch your glasses twice if u are held hostage

    I am not a firefighter, but i know that you can fight fire with fire.

    The internet is good in your hotel room and you are in you are Europe??? Dude are you in Romania???

    levy its ok to tell us ur hostage he blundered by not recreating your room we punished his mistake by call police

    It is pretty obvious that you chose to cover a game with a french defense as a signal that you are being held hostage, as it comes from the old french language. Thanks for your content

    I think levy is being held at gun to make videos he is soo quirky

    Atlast levy got the permission of showing chess super league games?😂😂😂 was about time..cause levy has to cover magnus games fr his views

    Fire can be used to fight forest fires, albeit with a certain amount of risk. A controlled burn of a strip of forest will create a barrier to an oncoming forest fire as it will use up all the available fuel.

    your audio is so low, Levy. this is on almost all of your videos. please fix it. thanks!

    'Best player in the world residing from india'

    Why am I just imagining Magnus running around the area looking for someone with a queen piece💀💀

    It dumbfounds me that i am so used to Magnus just absolutely trolling on the highest level possible. An this isn’t even a troll, it’s a fucking calculation that most will not even begin to think of because their versatility doesn’t expand this far. VERSATILITY IS KEY!

    Levy being hostage
    Levy I need a new upload asap

    Yknow, I got to learn this summer in my Child Psychology course that offering dessert for vegetables is more likely to create poor relationships with healthy foods. Crazy.

    The classical seems like it just gets your Knight booted.

    I think "fight fire with fire" is meant to refer to like, gunfire

    I thought my endgame was good, I've been humbled

    3 days being held hostage. and still recording! Great Job!

    In wildland fire fighting there is a process called back fire or controlled burning in which you can help prevent forest fires by buring away thick under dry under growth that would allow fire to quickly spread from tree to tree in an uncontrolled fire.

    2:50 This was probably written in the script they forced Levy to read

    Curious what you are ranked? 🤔💨💨💨

    Initial 6 min is same as what he played against Anish giri recently…..

    Oh My God!!… the amount of gab in this video is absolutely insane. I cant even tell what actually happened with all the.. could do this, rewind and could do that, rewind… talking about flickering lights and past games.. blah! blah! blah!

    Levy leaving us many hints on his hostage situation

    That's Jeff Bridges, not Magnus Carlsen.

    Levy, are you being held hostage and forced to make this video? Stare into the camera if you're ok…

    This stare at the beginning of every video gives me nightmares

    Bro is making videos in his vacation we should appreciate him

    the way you mention the date is like you are trying to reach out to someone from 100 years in the future.

    a Game for the Ages, and Levy's on vacation. 🤣
    Massive blunder, but enjoy them!

    Magnus accidentally winning the game playing the best move? Classic Magnus

    Magnus carlsen, the greatest of all time.

    Buddy, love the video, but you seriously need to get out in the sun a bit more.

    Great video! I really like these instructive game coverages where you explain it in depth and not just speed through the moves.

    Im not a firefigter but i think that they use fire to burn down everything around the fire that it has nothing to burn when there is a fire in woods

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