Capablanca Crushed by Unknown 14-year Old

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Photos by Lenart Ootes
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Jose Raul Capablanca vs ???
“The Boy Who Would be King”
Simul, 30b (1925) (exhibition), Leningrad RUS, Nov-20
Queen’s Gambit Declined: Manhattan Variation (D51)

1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. d4 cd4 4. Nd4 Qc7 5. Be2 e6 6. c4 Nd4 7. Qd4 Ne7 8. Be3 Nc6 9. Qd2 Bb4 10. Nc3 Qe5 11. O-O O-O 12. Rac1 b6 13. Rfd1 Bc5 14. Bc5 bc5 15. Qd6 f6 16. f4 Qd6 17. Rd6 Kf7 18. Rd2 Ke7 19. Bd1 g5 20. f5 d6 21. Ba4 Ne5 22. b3 a6 23. Rcd1 Rd8 24. Rf1 Bb7 25. Rfd1 Rab8 26. Rf1 h5 27. h3 h4 28. Re2 Rg8 29. Nd1 g4 30. Nf2 ef5 31. ef5 gh3 32. Nh3 Rg4 33. Kh2 Rbg8 34. Nf4 Kf7 35. Rd2

00:00 Hello Everyone!
02:55 Game Starts!
05:15 Completely New Game!
10:45 Pause the Video!
11:10 It was in this position!
14:20 Contributions!

The 9th Torneo Internacional de Ajedrez “Ciudad de Linares” was organized under the direction of Luis Rentero Suarez. The number of players was increased from 12 to 14, and with the participation of both players from the Kasparov – Karpov World Championship Match (1990) (which ended December 31st), it was the first ever Category 17 event (average rating 2651-2675). The players were: Garry Kasparov (Elo ranked #1 in the world), Anatoly Karpov (#2), Boris Gelfand (#3), Vassily Ivanchuk (#4), Mikhail Gurevich (#6), Jaan Ehlvest (#7), Valery Salov (#9), Alexander Beliavsky (#10), Gata Kamsky (#13), Viswanathan Anand (#14), Jan Timman (#16), Jonathan Speelman (#25), Artur Yusupov (#31), and Ljubomir Ljubojevic (#40). Of the top 10 players in the world, only Evgeny Bareev (#5) and Leonid Yudasin (#8) were missing. Fourteen players had signed up for the event in October, 1990. Two of them, Nigel Short (#15) and Miguel Illescas Cordoba (#98), were replaced by Gurevich and Speelman. According to Leontxo García, Illescas was again “excluded” by Rentero in order to reach Category 17. Salov had played in Hoogovens (1991) in January. Karpov, Gurevich, Ehlvest and Kamsky had played in Reggio Emilia A1 (1991), and Beliavsky and Ljubojevic in Reggio Emilia A2 (1991), both in January. Six of the players (Gelfand, Ivanchuk, Anand, Timman, Speelman and Yusupov) came from the Candidates preliminary matches that ended in early February.

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%1$ Comments208

    I thought it was R.J. Bobby Fischer going back to the future

    Esse garoto anônimo de 14 anos era nada mais nada menos do que Felipe Neto!

    That 14 year old was either Bobby or Magnus 😂

    I think the unknown player is GM Reshevsky.

    Yes! Played a handful of games in the Manhattan Chess club in 2003. Family went to a play in Broadway, got the chance to see a legendary hall of chess history.

    Does anyone know what the overall score is between Botvinnik and Capablanca? I searched the internet and I only found Botvinnik's wins. Very good video thx.

    Is there really no mention of the whole agad’s channel being hacked controversy in the comments?

    😂 It was Magnus Carlson, with a Bishop in a time machine?

    And that 14-year old's name? Albert Einstein

    The thing is, Capa prolly wasn’t trying his hardest as this was just an exhibition and against a kid. Kasparov did the same and played an easy friendly game in an exhibition.

    If this was a world championship match, Capa would destroy that kid with ease.

    There is a further story told about this game. Afterwards Capablanca asked who his opponent was and, on being told, said "This youngster plays with the confidence of a master. He will go far." I would expect Capablanca to be a good judge of true chess ability, so the quote rings true. It is in Chernev's classic "The Chess Companion".

    Most of the world's geniuses are never discovered… because they lack the opportunity or interest to actually take advantage of their own genius.

    😂 the Soviet Union was so focused on chess that they're people starved to death in the millions.
    Great game, though.

    Ha, I thought it might have been Nezhmetdinov…. Really cool to see a young Botvinnik play. And crushing Capablanca with black, wow..

    please more games from the legends, I'm curious about the players whose names are immortalized in the chess opening..

    Hello Antonio! I think we should have Mikhail Botvinik saga . Eagerly waiting for Mikhail Botvinik , Tigran Petrosian and Anatoly Karpov's Sagas . Thanks!

    Too slow to guess the move because I was playing at double speed, but I did guess the opponent.

    That was surprising, I was sure that it would be Hans Niemann.

    1:19 OMG for a moment I was shocked as I thought Ivanchuk went back in time to win that tournament… xD

    Agadmator never disappoints us with his content

    No hoodie for the hoodie guy? 😢 I’m heartbroken

    I was wondering after the reveal if I was watching agadmator or netflix

    The best chess channel gives us an amazing history lesson once again. Thank you.

    that's 2 agadmator games in a row where i spotted the move!!!! woo hoo!

    10 years ago I think you said you were gonna make a Saga for Steinitz. Whats up with that???

    By contrast, my nickname in chess circles is "Very Weak Known Player."

    Absolutely amazing. I mean this is the kind of content we expect. Just mind blowing that it was Botvinik. He just lost to a world champion

    I ❤ the mystery opponent concept!

    Very enjoyable!

    Antonio, where's the hoodie? Clearly we have a formidable hoodie guy in this game here.

    EDIT: wow my hands typed too fast again.

    Loved the match… but loved the story much more…

    Hello Antonio, Cuban guy here living in the States. Thanks for what you do, loved the Capablanca Saga. Keep up the good work. Take care.

    And it was in this position that I had no idea on whether I should be wearing a hoodie, but Agadmator saved the day again

    After this game Capablanca withdrew from the Simul and complained about his opponent that he is using Stockfish…….Maybe Carlsen was inspired from this incident…….!

    After seeing this game Lasker was seen laughing in the CORNER…….!

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