Capablanca Crushed by Unknown 14-year Old

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Jose Raul Capablanca vs ???
“The Boy Who Would be King”
Simul, 30b (1925) (exhibition), Leningrad RUS, Nov-20
Queen’s Gambit Declined: Manhattan Variation (D51)

1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. d4 cd4 4. Nd4 Qc7 5. Be2 e6 6. c4 Nd4 7. Qd4 Ne7 8. Be3 Nc6 9. Qd2 Bb4 10. Nc3 Qe5 11. O-O O-O 12. Rac1 b6 13. Rfd1 Bc5 14. Bc5 bc5 15. Qd6 f6 16. f4 Qd6 17. Rd6 Kf7 18. Rd2 Ke7 19. Bd1 g5 20. f5 d6 21. Ba4 Ne5 22. b3 a6 23. Rcd1 Rd8 24. Rf1 Bb7 25. Rfd1 Rab8 26. Rf1 h5 27. h3 h4 28. Re2 Rg8 29. Nd1 g4 30. Nf2 ef5 31. ef5 gh3 32. Nh3 Rg4 33. Kh2 Rbg8 34. Nf4 Kf7 35. Rd2

00:00 Hello Everyone!
02:55 Game Starts!
05:15 Completely New Game!
10:45 Pause the Video!
11:10 It was in this position!
14:20 Contributions!

The 9th Torneo Internacional de Ajedrez “Ciudad de Linares” was organized under the direction of Luis Rentero Suarez. The number of players was increased from 12 to 14, and with the participation of both players from the Kasparov – Karpov World Championship Match (1990) (which ended December 31st), it was the first ever Category 17 event (average rating 2651-2675). The players were: Garry Kasparov (Elo ranked #1 in the world), Anatoly Karpov (#2), Boris Gelfand (#3), Vassily Ivanchuk (#4), Mikhail Gurevich (#6), Jaan Ehlvest (#7), Valery Salov (#9), Alexander Beliavsky (#10), Gata Kamsky (#13), Viswanathan Anand (#14), Jan Timman (#16), Jonathan Speelman (#25), Artur Yusupov (#31), and Ljubomir Ljubojevic (#40). Of the top 10 players in the world, only Evgeny Bareev (#5) and Leonid Yudasin (#8) were missing. Fourteen players had signed up for the event in October, 1990. Two of them, Nigel Short (#15) and Miguel Illescas Cordoba (#98), were replaced by Gurevich and Speelman. According to Leontxo García, Illescas was again “excluded” by Rentero in order to reach Category 17. Salov had played in Hoogovens (1991) in January. Karpov, Gurevich, Ehlvest and Kamsky had played in Reggio Emilia A1 (1991), and Beliavsky and Ljubojevic in Reggio Emilia A2 (1991), both in January. Six of the players (Gelfand, Ivanchuk, Anand, Timman, Speelman and Yusupov) came from the Candidates preliminary matches that ended in early February.

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%1$ Comments208

    Ivanchuk so good, he won a tourney before he was born.

    I was a bit disappointed to find out was Botvinnik. I was hoping it would turn out to be Stockfish 0.1

    The mistake from Capablanca was castling Queen side into the pre-set attack.

    The match in the description starts with 1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. d4 cd4 4. Nd4 Qc7 5. Be2 e6 6. c4 Nd4 7. Qd4 Ne7 8. Be3 Nc6 9. Qd2 Bb4 10. Nc3 Qe5 11. O-O O-O etc. So It's not the match played in the video

    Chucky winning shows age is no object to winning a tournament.

    This unknown player is a young mikhial botvinik

    @Agadmator: you pronounced that tournament winner's 1st name wrong. It should be "Yefim" with "Ye" sounding exactly like in "yellow" word. It puzzles me why names like that are still written without "y" being 1st, especially since there are russian 1st names sounding both ways. FYI, some old / common 1st names which also sound like this (with "E" in writing but "Ye" when spoken) on top of "Efim": "Evgeny", "Egor", "Elena", "Eva". While the following names – are not sounding with "Ye", but with "E" for their 1st sound (like in "end" english word): "Eduard", "Elina" (note how this one differs by just one letter from "Elena" – yes, these are two very different 1st names), "El'dar".

    I had searched "great Russian chess players born in 1911" as the video started unaware Antonio would reveal the "unknown player" and had found the same name. I wasn't sure, but it certainly adds up.

    You can make a new genre out of this. Guess who is playing/against this GM and then tell at the end the mysterious person name. Also tell the audience/commenter not to spoil the mysterious person name.

    Moral Hoodle guy always looses. Else Agad on normal attire

    I'm a very very old man now but I really enjoyed that win.

    What does SE mean in bottom right cornee?

    The Capablanca move that filled me with artistic horror was castling queen side. What was Capablanca thinking?

    I bow down to agadmator to portray this game in a theatrical way where climax was soo good.

    Botvinnik wrote an autobiography, I believe: Полвека в шахматах. I wonder if he described this game in that book?

    Agadmator you need to do more games like this, where the aim is to guess the unknown player (based on playstyle & hints)

    14 year old cheated! used an engine for sure

    I really thought this was an April fools joke and the unnamed player was going to be Max Deutsch

    finally the hoody guy wins my respect for this young man to add fame to the hoody guy

    Why does Antonio always say, the bar and library together? I assure people who drink at bars don't usually like to read

    After this win he was also a star at the bar and the library

    This is something Magnus would do to a top player today

    Carlos Augusto Ayres de Souza Montenegro says:

    The reveal was pretty amazing. I was pretty sure something was coming, cause it was the Soviet Union and was around this time some of the chess monsters were starting to show up.

    So as the game was going on, I was thinking his opponent was Tal (Soviet player who was active roughly in a time that could make sense), so I looked Tal up on Wikipedia. However, Tal was born eleven years after this game, but I figured it would be someone in the same era. I noticed that Tal was preceded and succeeded by the same person as World Chess Champion – Mikhail Botvinnik – so I checked his year of birth… 1911. And I was like, "It's Botvinnik, isn't it?"


    Botvinnik was born in 1911, would have been 14 in 1925

    Got a chess set which was hand over from Botvinnik to my Grandpa (while beeing in Moskau in the 80s for develop chess Computer logics {He was an informatic student and worked with Botvinnik in a Project}) also a book with his Signature (his 100 best Games) and a chess Cup.

    you get the feeling looking at these 2 guys photos that they weren't really the hoodie types tho !

    That’s so awesome. I go with ur version of the opponent. Thx!

    I believe that this boy has cheated more — and more recently — than he has publicly admitted. His over the board progress has been unusual, and throughout our game in the Simul, 30b (exhibition), Leningrad RUS, Nov-20 1925, I had the impression that he wasn’t tense or even fully concentrating on the game in critical positions, while outplaying me as black in a way I think only a handful of players can do. This game contributed to changing my perspective.

    – José Raul Capablanca

    Capa basically tilted, played unsound and beat himself…

    GrandMoffTarkin'sTeaDispensermatic2000Patented says:

    Ivanchuk won the tournament ahead Capablanca and Emmanuel Lasker, I always knew Chuky was an absolute behemoth.

    Great video. Thanks so much for the wonderful analysis. Amazing who it turns out to be..)

    The hoodie guy is botvinnik 🙂🙂 well improve my vast knowledge if i am wrong

    Wonderful video … specially the revelation at the end

    Almost cried out to see Vasyl Ivanchuk placed first in the tournament!

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