Chess Expert TROLLED Me Into Thinking He’s a Beginner

My chess opponent told me he was a beginner and I almost believed him…. this was all in good fun, and I was very impressed with his prank haha.

Video was filmed at blitz society in Paris! Thanks for watching 🙂

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#annacramling #chess #blitz

%1$ Comments900

    She squeezed out her two balls too much to distract her opponent with him, but that plan didn't work either))))

    Am i the only one who see the rook secrifice at the end?

    Why does everyone say they are a beginner? Can’t they say a 1400 or so

    Good chess skills…no conscience. What a liar.

    the title should be i played against a oscar level actor

    broski got trolled hard!!!!!!!!!
    he also told he doesn't know his rating

    I like Anna and all her videos. This guy is obviously an experienced player. I'm pretty good myself but have to admit if I were sitting where he was, I would have been distracted too!

    His ability to either focus on the board or keep eye contact is impressive

    If there was more woman like Anna on this planet the world would be a better place. Smart, charming, beautiful, sexy, funny, adorable, cute, kind… A hyper rare combo!

    What some would call "acting" others call "lying" . . .

    I am sure that Anna is better than him; he’s a liar, probably a scammer in real life.

    Theory… theory…theory…. are so obsessed with theory? I never studied any theory, and yet I'm a pretty good chess player. Studying theory is what I consider cheating, and I known… unpopular opinion.

    7:01 white qd6 takes the pawn could be a great move , isn't it ?

    can you send me 1000 dollar i have to pay my college fees

    First rule of chess if you play against a lady: be a gentleman, but don't underestimate her. Trust me, folks, I've played against many strong women, and let me tell you, they can be tough competitors. So be respectful, but bring your A-game, because it's going to be a tremendous match. Believe me!

    Anna is maybe marriage material. She clearly has a goofy sense of humor, obviously very very good looking, a chess master, and seems down to earth as well!! Fit!! By every definition;

    I find it disgusting that he tries to gain an advantage by lying.

    Yes, he is a beginner and there are pink elephants with white wings.

    He didn’t lie, he just played 2 months ago and get himself 2300 elo

    Pretty good considering your boobs were hanging out.

    She is so sexy … MAsive sexapil

    It is always very gratifying to see Ana playing chess. She is a very beautiful and happy woman. Kiss for you from Argentina

    she could have won right? At one point she had mat with rook and she took the pawn?

    He's also making moves while Ana is distracted by his friends. While she isn't looking.

    Grasshopper learned a lot about chess in two days of training, his teacher must be a Grand Grand Master

    I would never believe that theres people watching a chess vlog and commenting on it..where do I join!😅

    5:35 Anna making numerous subsequent men of culture killer moves. Didn't work.

    yo i can see the brilliant move if you eat his queen he wil move the point front anh check of coure he will sumon the queen and actually you lose
    so be carefull

    Is the cleavage a distraction strategy? Guy kept looking down to not make eye-to-cleavage contact

    If this boy gets serious about chess, he will be really tough to beat.

    Anna, in time 5:496:16 (27s) you didn't pay attention to your own business at all, even though you already knew how good a player he was.
    After that, you spent about three seconds recovering from the shock.

    With such carelessness and inattention, you had no chance to beat him in this game🤢

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