Chess Gambits be like
According to various sources, noot noot is a popular meme that shows a birb noot nooting…
According to various sources, noot noot is a popular meme that shows a birb noot nooting…
Alert, the Queen has already breached our defenses
Is there anything stopping White from moving the knight from b1 to d2? From what I'm seeing, the queen can't make any other moves without being taken in that case, and there isn't anything else checking the White king.
The King's Gambit:
f3 e5 g4 Qh4#
there you go you gambited the king
Disney made a documentary about the withe queen
icbm gambit
Lacrimosa but humanity has ended. My job here is done. Goodbye
Black queen be like- “You took my knights and my favorite horse, now…I will take all the pieces you love.”
Generally with the E5 gambit i like to retort with E3, you don't have to take the posioned pawn also, if they take, exchange quiems and take the free pawn with your knight.
White pawn to e3
… the game is far from over 😉 I mean, fine I have no queen but black has lost knight, bishop, 2 pawns and can't castle. It is not as bad as it looks 🙂
Bro played the russian antiair, ground based RKB-SAM guided missile against a 500 elo 🗿🍷
How did you know I dont have mom
Avg. Intercontinental ballistic missile Gambit 😂
Didn’t know there was a black version of the
tennison gambit intercontinental ballistic missile variation
Aren't the black king supposed to facing with the white queen and white king facing the black queen?
Why am I addicted to this video?!
The Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Gambit, he did it…
Intercontinental ballistic missile Gambit
You hadn't to eat knight
White knight : Dude why am I here? 😂
Fuck are these edits?
Except, every amature player will always take pieces, regardless of their value, if they're unprotected and will never give up an officer to a pawn, even if they would win the game because of it because it just feels wrong.
opening : icbm
meme : noot noot
music : lacrimosa
2 pawns a horse and a bishop for 1 pawn and a queen idk about that
International ballistic missile gambit but with black, nice
12:Its not just a psyxological trap, taking the bishop 8smthe only move
Who fells for that 😂
Ah the ICBM gambit.
If you don't know the theory like super well, you NEVER accept a gambit.
intercontinental ballistic missile imbound.
I like the alternate icbm gambit
The most brain dead trap ever😂 After Bc5 play Nc3 and black cries so hard
For a fool of 500 elo, it might work. Interesting
we love intercontinal ballistic missle gambits
Traded too much material for the Queen.
How to counter this gambit: Just play nc3
I liked my own comment
dont you hate it when your queen gets hit by an intercontinental ballistic missile
Blud fr sacrificed two pawns, a bishop and a knight to get a queen, goated if you ask me 💯🐐🔥
It's called: The Bozo Gambit
bruh made ICBM, but black has the missle
So this Is the Black variation of the icbm opening
noob here:
so black now has white queen and can start picking off pieces with their queen, which is why this is a bad situation for white?
"Why do i hear boss music?"
Instructions unclear , he took my queen with the knight
blacks queen is very easy to trap and take in that position though
I fell for this once, I can assure you that was exactly how I reacted and now I am 1400 ( definitely lower I didnt play chess for long now ) and still consider Englund gambit to be the scariest opening