Chess Memes #116 | When Pawn CHECKMATES

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Chess Memes #116 | When Pawn CHECKMATES

Luv u guys


If you’re looking to learn how to play chess and improve your Elo rating – watch out – this video might make you lose brain cells!

We have the best chess memes compilations to give you your daily dose of chess. We’ve got chess memes, blunders, and checkmates in our chess commentary.

We love chess memes, and we make these chess videos for you whether you’re a noob, pro, casual player, or the best in your friend group. Here to make you laugh 🙂 and to mail you a free cookie when you subscribe.

%1$ Comments328

    make a video abt under promotionof the pawn btw the video was amazing👍

    Top chess is the only channel that can mock about repetitive sponsor in a real sponsorship

    Guys lets dislike and this stupid bishop era will end. I want normal chess. I want to kings to rule.

    In minute 8:30 white king forget that the en passant is a forced move

    Can you make the black bishops just mute for at least one episode

    Ad Bishop : does an actual sponsor

    Everyone:"You're as beautiful as the day I lost you."

    Ad Bishop is flattered

    Everyone:"Not you, nor your segment." stares at the 10 second skip behind the ad bishop

    Btw i'm pretty sure they post of Monday and Thursday correct me if i'm wrong

    I don't like this bishop era I want normal chess back

    Y'all are still loving bishops and hate bishops now

    The bishops are very annoying I think is time for the rooks to take over and bishop noob you idiot you are nerd

    This message is going to black bishop:stfu your annoying you are not loved stfu

    The chapters in the video are literally GD levels

    Would never expect chess to have lore, MATPAT!!!

    Just stop the stupid bishop! It just ruins everything. If you want a sponsorship, OK, but why with the stupid useless bishop???????

    i hate this era so much, my love for this channel is decreasing

    This is boring so much bruh. Bishops are not usong true power we eant to see his reborn after he dies and stops timesand freeze some pieces otherwise thats changes nothing. Bishop= King only thing that changed after bishops dies kings again starts to control game please see my comment and fix that Top chess. Also ure the best channel that does chess memes but please fix these things.

    This pawn might be the ultimate pawn they have been taking about ever since The thumbnails stopped mentioning the bishops era i think it's time

    What the king said about the sponser is true lol

    I have watched every episode of the seriese and I know the whole lore. It was worth the time definitely!

    j u s t m a k e k i n g s h a v e p o w e r a g a i n

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    Finally after all these episodes the pawn checkmate has come

    i don’t understand why the bishop is in control

    My brain was disintegrating before a test I asked my phy sir for advice and he told to integrate and celebrate

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