Chess Memes #60 | When King Makes A Huge Blunder

Chess Memes #60 | When King Makes A Huge Blunder

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If you’re looking to learn how to play chess and improve your Elo rating – watch out – this video might make you lose brain cells!

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%1$ Comments440

    That white bishop on whites side was protected any ways

    Cut Of Your Di*k And Be A Queen
    I Insist
    Points Gun 🙂

    why is there baby sounds in the outro bruh🤣

    there is also enpassent when he played f5 you have your e5 pawn do f6 it will be enpassent

    I think the pawn is cutting you know and becoming Queen

    Understood everything faster than that math question

    The thumb tail is click baits the black king and white queen didn't cheat

    This comment is a joke

    Can you please make white win all the time

    At the end the king could have killed the queen right?

    Why did he play the caro kann against the london? 😂

    Cut your di*ck and become an quen
    Nothing nothing i insist

    get TOTALLY fucking transmogrified, Pawn

    This part is the most sussiest part of the video make sure to understand everything
    If you don't get it here
    Queen:Now im giving you protection 😳
    Another sus one
    Queen:Cut your dick and become a Queen.
    Rook:im coming
    If you didn't understand stand it
    Think that the rook is a male and the promoted pawn becomes a woman

    I am a beginner at chess I have a question how is that mate

    this creator makes me learn how to be better in chess and have fun at the same time

    dude thats not the caro kann if you want to play caro kann white has to play pawn to e4

    i got emotinal damged when i saw that move 2:10 was a2 which is the best move

    Fun fact: Chess has a opening called "London System" or "London Opening"
    And the London System works exactly like that

    too much talking black I don't know what black is saying about his defense plan

    Not gonna lie, if white knew that he could play "En Pessant" or whatever the spelling is, he would be in a winning position, and close to make a 2nd queen!

    Timeline: 5:13


    Queen:Go forward pawn,cut your d*ck off and become a queen.


    Yo I subscribed and still didn’t get a free COOKIE!?

    5:15 you can un passant and make a funny edit that says "how your cheating"

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