Chess Memes #90 | When Pawn Became Unstoppable

Chess Memes #90 | When Pawn Became Unstoppable

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If you’re looking to learn how to play chess and improve your Elo rating – watch out – this video might make you lose brain cells!

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%1$ Comments564

    this was such a great episode. best one yet imo

    can anyone tell me how the pawn ai voiceover is made lmao

    When is the centre pawn going to be promoted???????????

    If black doesn’t have a serious win next episode, i’m dropping this series

    Top Chess clearly sucks with black, probably loses 90% of his games with it. It’s getting extremely stale, i no longer laugh

    And to you simpletons who think people should just ne complacent with it, the ones rho give shitty advice like “if you’re tired of it, don’t watch it,” you can save your unintelligent blather

    White tricked Black in a moment!
    Black had a chance to win but white is just genius by luck!

    Sus thing is that the pawn is a boy and the king say do across and cut your thingy and become a queen coincidence I think not

    It's always a good video when top chess uploads!

    1:30 " A warrior never fears DEATH "
    What a cool poetic, brave and motivating sentence…
    Edit : 7:25 " Yay, 2 HALAL Queens "

    That fork in the start by the pawn could have been stopped by killing it with the knight, I've now gotten to the point of getting irritated when people blunder. You make amazing videos that are hilarious, keep doing what you do!

    Whenever I get this opening, I usually block with queen then trase

    Make black pieces win, I'm tired of white always winning

    7:27 Looks like the White King decided to follow the words of the Quran and have two wives.

    “The checky checky attack”
    “Your god damn right”

    Wouldn't it be a 4 move repetition because the black king moved in repetition

    The queen hating on each other who we went to friends Miege Heather and they see someone they both live

    The black queen and bishop being swapped was funny

    Hey topchess, for epidose 91, can you make the bishop skewer the king and queen so king finally realizes bishop are useful? Just a suggestion!

    Rod of discord that you will never get says:

    Rooks missed mate like 30 times

    reveal attack on queen with check and saving fork by taking with knight missed

    2:37 instead of moving pawn he cuold have moved horse F4 then if white didn't notice he cuold have moved queen G2 and it wuold have been checkmated

    Idea: Pawn gets called “Bishop’s pawn”, but becomes a simp and when he promotes, he becomes a bishop.

    it would be nice to see a game of atomic chess

    Nice look 👇🏿


    Why black king so much losing he need a respect

    İ always love the scene that "cut little thingy" loll

    bruh the knight could have taken the pawn to mess up the knight and queen fork

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