Chess Memes #97 | When You CHECKMATE With The Bishop

Chess Memes #97 | When You CHECKMATE With The Bishop

Luv u guys


If you’re looking to learn how to play chess and improve your Elo rating – watch out – this video might make you lose brain cells!

We have the best chess memes compilations to give you your daily dose of chess. We’ve got chess memes, blunders, and checkmates in our chess commentary.

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%1$ Comments480

    I thought of halloween gambit first, and i got it right.

    the free rook when white move the pawn to prevent checkmate but black ignored it:💀💀💀

    Video idea: when your in zugzwang
    Video idea: when you checkmate with only knights

    Thanks for doing my comment top chess

    This video was funny but one quick suggestion you some day should make a reverse video so black is on the bottom and queens are liking the knights and kings the bishops

    It’s been an eternity since bishop checkmated the king 🗿

    Video 1 of asking for the wayward queen attack

    Too many inside jokes and overused effects, it became boring

    Why you hate bishop you love it wen ep 57 and 59 just why you hate it now. Now im😡

    Pawn move to g3
    Bishop h3 attaking the rook
    Maybe that was the part where you missed a free rook
    Bishop goes to g4 attaking the queen
    Pawn f3
    Bishop h3 attaking the rook😂😂😂
    Black queen:Go bishop kill the rook
    Black bishop:but i will die
    Trading unequal Material
    Black queen: I DONT CARE😂😂
    Black rook: i am not a coward rook i will take the rook
    White king: you have killed my rook now you gonna die😂
    Black rook:Checky chekcy check check a miss

    Bishop becomes useful
    Me: finally after168458258530 century's

    I have a request. Can you make a video of where the bishops finally snap on the kings and queens? And they don’t give a crap what they say

    1:31 Queen: thats a blunder
    Me: no its not thereis a fork after takes

    Ymar (Lagrange) the BFDI Fan (Hiatus) says:

    Ю кноа ай лов чэсс

    400 elo chess
    worst game ive ever seen

    Bro i want black to win why is white keep winning?

    Can you make a video like "when black start the game"? Do it please if it's possible

    Um actually a pawn and a rook would be the same amount of points as a bishop and a knight and they would be two pieces down each so your calculations would be incorrect🤓

    i have been watching your video since this year and i like your ai voice of different pieces. Where can i find the website where i can get multiple voice option with emotions as well

    You own, the bishop should all have full control for the chess board for one day and make everyone do as they say and finally won’t be bullied

    Legendary moment, finally Bishop did checkmate!

    Has anyone noticed…..
    Bishop is getting more and more respect
    Nice channel

    No queen, don't mate with the bishop 😂😂💀

    Idea for the beginning of episode 100
    All the banished pieces come out of the darkness where there are other chessboards and do a weird ritual with ad bishop*

    The thumbnail if the queen can move like a knight its double checkmate

    Tbhif you see a rook you can take do it cuz the rooks are good in endgames

    What is that aname game

    White King: no queen dont mate with the bishop😭
    Bishop: Mates
    Black King: eww no i hate bishop mates🤮


    Make Chess Memes #100 a special one, way better than all the others

    We can do when pawn started giving check mate

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