Chess Memes #97 | When You CHECKMATE With The Bishop

Chess Memes #97 | When You CHECKMATE With The Bishop

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If you’re looking to learn how to play chess and improve your Elo rating – watch out – this video might make you lose brain cells!

We have the best chess memes compilations to give you your daily dose of chess. We’ve got chess memes, blunders, and checkmates in our chess commentary.

We love chess memes, and we make these chess videos for you whether you’re a noob, pro, casual player, or the best in your friend group. Here to make you laugh ๐Ÿ™‚ and to mail you a free cookie when you subscribe.

%1$ Comments480

    Honestly at this point something will happen in video #100. What are you trying to hide topchess?

    3:33 if queen didnt move the bishop could've killed the queen and white king didnt notice it

    The rooky bois and pawny bois are the only chill peices. Its constant warfare between Queen and Simpy vs King and Horsey.


    Why does everyone want the bishop to get respect

    For episode 100 make sure u make the bishop get king's attention so he focuses more on him and leaves the knight, at the end of the episode make the knight say "sorry king but I'm leaving you. You have gotten another piece so enjoy that"

    3:07 the fact that my brother screamed at the exact same time๐Ÿ’€

    lmao finally but should have saved it for episode 100

    For episode 100 king should finally respect bishop

    Iโ€™m the thumbnail the king could just move back

    the bishope can take the rook but did not do that

    I wonder what the 100th episode is? Make it good like you always!

    Bro theese funny videos are starting to have a lore

    On 3:34 it was a triple fork because there was a discover attack on the queen so the bishop is in danger because of the pawn and the knight is in danger because of the pawn and it is protected by the queen and by moving the pawn the bishop can take the queen and the queen canโ€™t take the bishop because once queen takes the white queen will take

    are the Black and white are best friends are they??

    dream have became true!!
    now just 1 thing left…
    king and 2 bishops mate

    Dam so the queen was memory wiped canโ€™t wait for her to find out

    Im quite sure you can only castle to your right but ok i dont know if there are more rules than the one i know

    King:Queen dont mate with the bishop
    That got meโ˜ ๏ธโ˜ ๏ธ

    Yep, bro, why it too much wins for white ???

    Why do they hate the bishops so much. They arent usless they just dont let them do anything. Stupid kings

    The first episode posted after watching top chess

    ep 100 should be respect for bishops and center pawn get to be a queen

    I am so proud of bishop for finally checkmating the king.

    Felix and me love the series it so amazing that bishops finally got to checkmate the next time it should be double simp mate

    can you do Q + A with the chess pieces?๐Ÿคจ


    Make a video on what happens when you get captured

    ๐˜ข๐˜ฏ๐˜ต๐˜ฐ๐˜ฏ๐˜ช๐˜ฐ says:

    worst checkmate ever

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