Chess Player Won’t Stop Trash Talking…So I Destroy Him

I played Drew over at @CoffeeChess and he got a little too confident, so I had to show him what I got 🙂 hope you enjoy the video and thank you so much for watching!!

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#annacramling #chess #streetchess

%1$ Comments649

    What a beautiful smile. That's worth the loss he suffered, I'm sure. GG. When I saw Cramling, I thought right away of Pia. Thanks for sharing.

    It is really a beautiful ending of the game.

    Ohhh that was amazing… Please teach how to do the same

    He should probably bring at least his B game next time

    Just another loud mouthed nothing, who's game consists of that same old cheap trash talk that all poor players strive to be good at. Great work Anna, that was so easy for you it's embarrassing..

    If he had taken the horse with the queen would the checkmate still have been possible? Can someone help lol I’m so confused

    One of the best game I've watch you play. He screwed him good. He didn't know it was coming.

    Oh that was hot!!! Anna be playing some sketchy characters.Going where most would be physically intimidated! Then crushing the bullies! I love this gal! Hope she has a security team though. Some of her opponents 😳

    That was great, you pwnd that guy so good. Good lesson to stay humble and not trash talk.

    One of the most beautiful checkmate I've ever seen 🙂

    Phenomenal tactics. 5 steps ahead of the competition.

    Ngl she's fast becoming my favorite chess player to watch. Love the energy, the smile, the humor, educational value and the looks. Nice.

    " oh i could take that too " she knows there's a checkmate but she tryna do like there's nothing 😂

    Wow when you informed him in advance and he thought that maybe it wasn't that bad and then BOOM his face was a picture 😅😅😅

    I don't think you're allowed to call your own checkmate beautiful in the process of while it's happening. Sounds like bad sportsmanship.

    Mans get the "smothered checkmate " the level of savagery of anna 🔥

    Look how happy is she! Cutest chess player ive ever seen=

    First time I ever see this double pawn sack in the Sicilian

    If you ever got to play a smothered mate you’ll know the feeling….

    That checkmate wasn't free. It cost a whole Queen!

    Este ha sido uno de tus mejores vídeos, Ana. Me he reído mucho, con buena intención, claro.

    Whatsapp did you do on 0.44? Where is the nights gone?

    A sweet girl trying "trash talking" is always fun… 😀

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