Chessnut EVO – The Tesla of Electronic Chess Sets

Sit back my friends, and get cozy as we take a look together at the Chessnut EVO! Although still in preproduction stage, the Chessnut EVO is a very promising chess board that seems to pack all the features you can expect out of a chess set. Moreover, there is a considerable number of features that are not seen in any other chess sets that I am sure many people will find exciting, and practical. In order not to miss on any important features of the board, be sure to watch the video entirely! Thank you for stopping by!

Kickstarter link for purchase, not sure if my promo code alsuchess will work during purchase, always worth a try:


%1$ Comments89

    Holy crap…..I'm 10 minutes in and I can see why this is an hour video.

    I'm sure this guy has great information, but he rambles without direction just wandering between random observations and then circling back again and again. Scripts are going to be your best friend, dude.

    So when you put it on your lap. where do you put the captured pieces? On the couch, in your pocket. or?

    The choice of Android … There really is no other choice except a base Linux system (Android is Linux + Google, just like iOS is BSD + Apple). The Android OS is far more open and inviting to developers and third parties and using it eliminates the headache of having to reinvent the wheel. Plus it allows for embedding Android applications like perhaps Whitepawn, etc. instead of developing special layers.

    I.e. if you are going to merge the phone and the board, Android is the correct way to do that.

    I am currently deciding between the DGT Centaur, ChessUp and even the Gochess 4XR. I am looking for a digital board that will be used foremost for practice. The ChessUp is currently on top of my list because of all the training features that’s inbuilt in it. I like the DGT Centaur as well, but I’m very intrigued by the chessnut evo.

    Screen needs to be flippable its too inconvenient to move each individual piece to change sides

    Hopefully the analysis and evaluation are disable during online play?

    I was sold up until he played online…it took quite a bit to recognize the movement of the piece.

    Why is the board set up wrong???? Seems a simplistic mistake for a chess channel???? So weird for a chess player? Makes it seem very sad.

    Very interesting board indeed. When will it be available ? Will it be avaible in a brown color ? Thanks for the video 🙂

    Thank you for taking the time of demoing all capabilities.
    What is the battery life of the EVO? Did you have to charge it often?


    You posted a link for the Kickstarter but it does not appear to be live yet. Am I missing something? Just making sure it is not already "live".

    If they made the pieces move this would be perfection

    I just love that built-in screen, so much better than to pair it to a phone.

    This is nice, do you know if the piece from the chessnut air will work on the Evo?

    Thanks for the thorough video. I have the Chessnut Air already and love that, but the Evo looks amazing

    If you like tradition, you will hate this too small board with too larges pieces, and plastic pieces with that. If you prefer modern innovative devices, you will hate this not-moving-its-pieces thing.

    Oooo I am excited. I suck a chess but I love chess boards. I saw a glimpse of this on a video a few months back.

    I am a big fan of Chessnut tbh. The air is the best board for the price and is honestly just a great board all together. The pro is just a bigger air and does feel great.

    Got my chess up board a few days ago. It’s nice. Haven’t played with it too much. It does seem like a good trainer board.

    Thanks. Very informative, if a little long-winded.

    When you are not sure whether someone is telling you the price of a chess set or their Elo rating, that chess set is too expensive.

    Hi, AI Su Chess…, Excellent video and very informative, and looks like a great AI Chessboard ! ! Actually…, one to BUY ! ! I was very impressed with your video and excellent presentation and "Thank you" for sharing the video… I am very proud of you…, you studied up on the New Chessnut EVO and your presentation was flawless… * I "agree" with you…, "What a great Chessboard." As you can tell…, I really ( enjoyed ) your video and presentation, and once again, Thank you for sharing the video and important information… "Semper Fi" Mike in Montana P.S.: I have watched and listened to ( ALL ) of your videos and this particular video…, convinced me to "Subscribe" to your excellent channel… 🙂

    Video suggestion: Best boards by price range, from least to most expensive.

    This is an ambitious board. I'm curious what their roadmap looks like & how long they plan to support it. I like it, but I can tell it's out of my price range.

    Curious what the specs are on the computer driving that LCD. If you we know the CPU, RAM & Android version, we can compare it to a phone with similar specs.

    Ugh. I dislike how everything is being converted to a subscription service.

    Yeah, and what is that thing going to cost? $1,000… $1,200… $1,500? I received my ChessUp today and my phone is an Android phone and I haven't seen any of the "lag" that you mentioned. I only played 3 games against the computer so far and I never had a problem with the bluetooth unpairing my phone from the board. It seems like they threw in the "kitchen sink" when they made this board and it has a whole bunch of features that nobody is ever going to use and that's how they're going to defend the price tag on this thing. How much is a Chessnut Air? How much is a Chessnut Air Pro? Or whatever it's called? $700.00 to $900.00? Now they're attaching a TABLET to the board. When the price of this thing comes out make sure you're sitting in a recliner or a sofa because otherwise you're going to fall out of your chair. They're going to ask for a pretty penny for this board.

    You really need a lavalier microphone. Your audio is quite low compared to many other videos.

    I was told the body is wood painted metallic silver

    Can this also be used as a fritz interface? Like the chessnut air or pro can.

    I just got my Chessnut Air, but man there are so many boards out there i want to try and get, and this one certainly looks neat too!

    FANTASTIC walk-through definitely sold me. I was stuck between this or gochess, but this is making me think chessnut

    What if… the board itself was the screen? 🙂
    Would allow some crazy effects!

    Very (very) good demonstration of the product. Thank you for doing this 👍
    Wish I could afford it 😭

    This seems like the best of all the other types of electronic boards together in one. Looks modern and sleek as well.

    The Tesla of chessboards… so Bband and featureless?

    Bit premature with the replaceable battery comment. It's not 🙄😔

    Small video suggestion to bring that aperture down a few stops on shots like the 8 min mark so the whole thing is in focus and not just part of the screen

    Bluetooth headphone connectivity? Just backed this, super excited.

    Does anyone happen to know the difference between evo 1 & 2? I can’t discern from the kickstarter page,

    Fascinating innovation. It's expensive, though. I guess it would be a great idea if the android tablet interface could be sold as a standalone app for those of us with other chessnut products. That would really be the icing on the cake.

    I like everything I see except for the non-weighted plastic pieces. and the small size of the squares.
    Please give me a 2.25 square, heavy wooden pieces version.
    Also question… can you have an option for two player where lets say white when touching a piece the board shows all the available (and best) move options, but player BLACK gets no help to show available moves?

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