DING!!!!! DING!!!!!!!!!! DING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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%1$ Comments728

    Wait, didn't Magnus vs Fabi also go the full distance with all draws and then into the tiebreaks?

    Next title should have been Ding Chilling if you will

    At this point, I am hoping for a delivery person collab/cameo with how often they're being featured in these videos.

    Didn't Carlsen vs Caruana also go the full distance? They drawn all games, even went to tiebreaks

    What do you mean that's the only one to go the distance? What about Carlsen-Karyakin or Carlsen-Caruana?

    ice hockey > chess… but just for a bit

    Yesterday the king and horse kissed, today the horse had babies. Have I been playing chess wrong?

    There is a new bot called star plumber which has 9999 Elo

    if hector salamanca was a chess youtuber:

    “dings idea was obviously bishop takes e5 then rook takes”

    бейби хорс это жеребенок

    Bro juzz spoils the whole thing with the title….

    I'm confused didn't magnus vs caruana also go all games?

    didn't caruana-carlsen go all the way?

    Just give them both the title man
    They deserve it

    Stop ringing on the doorbell I heard you the first time 😡🤬

    The knicks are going against Boston huh

    That’s where your wrong sixers🔛🔝! Joel Embiid is the mvp this season Tobias Harris tyrese maxey James harden they beat Boston

    Man you are so trash you don't even know what a baby horse is called

    Bro i thought that chess was entertaining but the press conference is on another level. Shine a light on this matter bro you can change things in the world of chess more than a gm could ever do. I love you man, keep blundering

    Some of these moves are so beyond me, that I don't even have words to explain how out of it all I am. Thank you for the recaps though!

    Make vid on new star plumber bot pls, it will get loads of views like mittens fr fr, Nice video btw.

    The important question is whether you got your food

    na bro stop it pls ik its for the views but u are no different than 14 years old tiktoker with the titles

    Hey Gotham I'm a bit new can you suggest any people to watch to get better

    Missed oportunity to put Hector in to the thumbnail

    Sounding much better today Levi. Glad you're feeling better.

    I enjoyed all the rabbit trails today. 🙂

    Explaining 2700 level chess while simultaneously referencing events from hockey, basketball and MMA. Levy is truly a renaissance man.

    Why isn’t it out of 15 games? That would make way more sence.

    There is cartoon popular in my country called 'Ninja Hatori'. Whenever the main character does ninja run, he says, " Ding-ding-ding-ding-ding."

    Interesting to point out that in the final position, if black had a bishop on d3 rather than d5 the position would be much better for black. -2 instead of +1. Pretty wild you can get such a big difference in the evaluation just by moving a piece over by a few squares

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