DING!!!!! DING!!!!!!!!!! DING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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%1$ Comments728

    Might just be my 1250 ELO talking but why is Ne3 a good move at 15:45 ? Feels like white could just ignore the knight and the cannon down the e file and just do some counterattacking with Bxb7, threatens the rook and starts equalizing no?

    Man your videos are so boring and your thumbnails are garbage as well as your clickbait titles

    Hahaha the switch to the customer service voice and smile when the food arrived broke me. I wonder if the doordash people know it’s levy sometimes

    The ending isn't true, it's the first to go 14 games since 2004. In 2018, 2016, it went all 12 games

    the idea of the title, delivery boy , "dnig ding ding"
    levy : DING !!! DING !!!!!!! DINGG !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Didn't fabi and magnus go the distance in 2018? 12 draws then rapid, yes?

    What. Many recent world champion matches have gone the distance. Carlsen-Caruana comes to mind. You have been misinformed.

    Im sad the heat beated the deer, nice performance from jimmy tho

    I’m confused by Levi’s last statement. That this is the first WCC to play out all 14 games in 20 years… Didn’t Caruana and Carlsen go past 14 games with all draws in their WCC and then play in faster time controls?

    Levy made an inaccurate statement about this being the first time in 20 years a championship has reached the final game.

    Magnus and Fabiano went the full 12 games in 2018. They played in a tiebreaker afterwards.

    Levy, love you , but you messed up with that statement.

    Me looking at the title and thumbnail of this video asking myself is Levy mad or surprised..

    Gotham's titles are getting so creative that I thought I'd see knights wearing boxing gloves! Who knew a chess match could pack such a punch? 😂🥊

    how is this the first world championship to go the full distance since 2004 when Carlsen Caruana went to rapid tiebreaks? 🤔

    This is the only chance you can repeat ding ding ding without being racist

    When Levy says "This is the first world championship to go the distance in 20 years" (19.50), is he forgetting about 2018 championship Magnus vs Fabi? They drew all the 12 classical games before Magnus won 3 straight games in the rapid tie-break to decide the result.

    Bro said knicks to the conference finals I’m dying 💀💀💀

    Also Levy: "That bishop isn't really an asset, I'm going to capture it."

    Video Title is what more than 50% chat types during World Championship Game Stream..

    What do you mean the first world championship to go the full distance in 20 years, Carlsen Caruana went the full distance only difference was it were 12 games at that time they changed back to 14 games after the players complained for Carlsen Nepo.


    19:48 "This is the first world championship to go the full distance in 20 years" It also happened when the 2012, 2016, and 2018 were tied 6-6 and decided in tiebreaks, in 2010 when Anand won the final classical game of the match, and arguably in 2006, which reached the final game of the match, but had a game 5 forfeit, (so it was decided in the final game 12, but only 11 games were played).

    A male baby horse is a colt and a female baby horse is a filly. The more you know.

    No way. Brunson and Randle are just not enough. Same story last year, Heat can't do anything but…

    Yo if a game with so many decisive victories ends in a draw and goes to tie break that’s disappointing af

    Love how you sideline team sports in a chess review! Still, Jimmy Buckets gonna cook the Knicks lol. Keep up the good contents, Levy! Massive fan.

    "The horsey is gonna raise horse babies."- Levi, 2023

    Mischief of magpies or embarrassment of pandas or scurry of squirrels> mured of crows

    Ah man the 2012 Flyers-Pens series was a bloodbath it was great. Not even a flyers fan but Giroux is one of my favorite players because of that series

    Didn't Caruana vs Carlsen and Karjakin vs Carlsen go to the last round as well?

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