Don’t disturb Magnus Carlsen when he is watching a game #shorts

Magnus Carlsen watches Aryan Tar’s game while heading out after his game.

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%1$ Comments232

    He is saying there is a camera behind u recording

    I can feel the pressure through the screen , the guys are like gotta give our best game man 😂

    Magnus was going to give one of them some signals on where to move but they put an end to that quick 😮

    Magnus looks like he wanted 2 say y tf would u do that lmao

    this is just like playing cricket on pitch and Sachin Tendulkar came to watch your batting

    Are these champions allowed to drink anything besides water?
    Water is all I see them drink.

    I cannot imagine the added pressure he unintentionally puts on the two competitors by obviously watching their match.

    I dont understand please tell me what happened

    The pressure was too loud when magnus was watching💀

    I don't get it. The arbiter was asking Magnus to move, right? BECAUSE OF THE CAMERA, RIGHT?!

    FINE , they'll kick my butt in Chess..
    But ill take em in checkers ..

    This is like being at the gym and big Arnie comes and watches you

    Haha i hope he is good throwing fist to back his cocky attitude because that is the way you ask for things to get physical and once they are physical he won’t be able to mate his check out of it.

    When Magnus stares at your game, your ELO instantly drops 200 points.

    I would disturb him just to watch him do that spin move again.

    los comentarios son judíos. Es su bro. simple…

    cuando Magnus llego…habia para ganar…despues la presión le mato

    Bro magnus won the game before he did 😅😅

    Why can’t people just stfu? Stop disturbing people.

    Magnus : ahh in 3 steps it’s over bro I going next table 😂

    Edom in my language means black. The sign in the back says eedom.

    The Carlsen kid kinda seems to be a duschbag. He has spent way to much time with the academic type. To stick your nose up at anybody but you. He could use a good slapping around. Don't punch him, because then his mom will have to get involved and all that.

    This has the same feels when your mathematics teacher is invigilating your maths exams session, and you see him walking around your table

    Magnus saw the whole game through telepathy

    My wife and I got married within a year . I can confirm that if it’s not a topic somewhere at 6 months even in lighthearted conversations, then it’s not gonna happen. We got to 6 months and had already lived together for a while so at that point what’s left to do. I love my wife more than anything. Also congrats 🎉

    Brooo did anyone notice on the chessboard next to the game Magnus checked… HOW TF ARE THE KINGS TOUCHING AND BLACK DIDN'T EVEN MOVE A SINGLE PAWN EXCEPT THE KING LIKE WTF????

    Magnus is looking more and more like Mickey Dolenz

    He was there to ask him to move away from the camera for blocking the shot. 🤣🤣

    Tha last move of arian and the reaction of magnus says all

    His nemesis was playing in the background 😂😂😂 check the video and see him

    The best player of our time should be free to stand and wach wherever he wants.

    Wasn't standing in the way of the camera which was filming?

    Magnus about to smack the water bottle on that guy's head after trying to make a noise

    Isn't that Aryan Tari he's watching? Tari is also from Norway and they know each other well

    Magnus looks at my board

    Me: Blunders Queen just because.

    I feel bad for Aryan Tari.. must be tough being Magnus' teammate 😅

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