En Passant | Chess Memes #67

En Passant | Chess Memes #67

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If you’re looking to learn how to play chess and improve your Elo rating – watch out – this video might make you lose brain cells!

We have the best chess memes compilations to give you your daily dose of chess. We’ve got chess memes, blunders, and checkmates in our chess commentary.

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%1$ Comments388

    The pawn beng promoted to a knight and rook is funny

    David and 2 million others liked your post says:

    The title was stolen by frank

    5:42 the white horsey should've move to b1 so he protects his brother, and his brother is protecting the pawn

    5:41 you could have moved the other horse from g3 to b1 and protect the first horse. The pawn also stays protected.

    Finally i found 1 song you use in you vids one is Giorno's Theme but it's EPIC VERSION by samuel kim music.

    Black thought that every opening white plays is the pyramid opening 😂😂😂

    the white rook didnt need to sac himself because he couldve just moved to 1st rank and protected the pawn anyway 700 elo am i right

    Wakanda move I that means what kind of move is that😊

    Bro whyd he sacrifice the rook he could have placed it near the protection of the pawn

    first wakanda forever 'you could just give a check

    5:45 wouldn't knight b 1 work as it would give protection to both of the forked pieces? (The pawn is also protected by the original knight

    When you are new to chess En Passant is like an illegal move

    Black should have gone knight h2 attacking the rook

    1:21 what was preventing the bishop to go back to the square it was in before?

    Which white king was about to lose horse or pawn he couldve moves other horse which protects horse and the other horse is protected by pawn it not stalemate but king saves 3 of em

    In 5:48 knight can protect attacked knight and attacked knight is protecting pawn so white king can protect both of them. Also pawn is captureable when white king moved that pawn

    We can only do en passant on the last 2 borders

    The bank rank checkmate is to annoying for them lol

    this meme can also be titled " when underpromotion wins the game "

    I wonder why he didn't save both of them by moving the horsey on H3 to C1 that would work to

    I checkmated my friend with En Passant once and he didn't accept that En Passant was a real thing and was adamant I cheated lol

    5:52 nb1 saves other horsey with check and other horsey saves pawn

    i love how the moves synced with the music

    One of the recommended videos for me is "Magnus LOSES by En Passant Checkmate!". Damn.

    I don't like chess that much, but these videos make me like it more. Thanks 😀

    5:51 missed knight to c5 it saves both the pawn and the knight

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