Father Wants REVENGE After I Beat His Daughter In Chess…

This was played at the London Knight Club – check them out if you’re in London!!

Edited by

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#annacramling #chess #irl


  1. YES! More, more, more. Beer and chess. The ultimate combo.

  2. Mister have 2 minutes and Anna has 4 minutes earlier.

  3. have you addressed the flirting to win issue?

  4. You played something that transposed into like a semi-slave meran defence. This is one of the most underrated openings for black against d4, look, you just played naturals moves and were better out of the opening, not many black defences can do that.

  5. Nice game – but "you're slow" or "you play to slowly" – remember the difference between the adjective and adverb 😉

  6. Anna, are you playing in The Reykjavik Open friday?

  7. So many episodes with titays… yes baby!! xD

  8. Maybe next time a few more sips of beer so as to slow down the time

  9. 3:25
    “You want my signature? I’m in third place.”
    How does she know she will finish third? The game not even started yet!

  10. 3:18 I love how Anna refers to herself as the 3rd place in front of her opponent before the match 😄😄

  11. That color looks fabulous on you. Great game and commentary, thanks.

  12. I'm with ya Anna! I hate time constraints. I have never played with a clock in real life and don't want to… but, you (and other ChessTubers) have inspired me to maybe sign up for a tournament.

  13. happy you switched from shaked hands to shook Anna haha–your videos are great keep going, you gotta hit 1M subscribers soon

  14. sorry but i find your choice of background music strange. wh ysuch omnious music?

  15. im lowkey triggered by how hard he's hitting the timer LOL

  16. I can play chess or drink beer…..not both. You have great spirit

  17. This will they won't they with the italian guy is the new Ross and rachel

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