Fischer’s Game Was So Complicated Commentators Thought He Lost

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Photos by Lenart Ootes
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Robert Byrne vs Robert James Fischer
“The Brilliancy Prize” (game of the day Mar-09-2017)
US Championship (1963/64), New York, NY USA, rd 3, Dec-18
King’s Indian Defense: Fianchetto Variation. Immediate Fianchetto (E60)

1. d4 Notes from various sources. 1… Nf6 2. c4 g6 3. g3 c6 4. Bg2 d5 5. cd5 5.Qb3 maintains more tension. — Fischer 5… cd5 6. Nc3 Bg7 7. e3 O-O 8. Nge2 Nc6 9. O-O b6 10. b3 It’s hard for either side to introduce an imbalance into this essentially symmetrical variation. Deadeye equality also ensues afer 10.Nf4 e6 11.b3 Ba6 12.Re1 Rc8 13.Ba3 Re8 14.Rc1 (Stahlberg-Flohr, Kemeri 1937) — Fischer 10… Ba6 11. Ba3 After White’s 11th move I should adjudicate his position as slightly superior, and at worst completely safe. To turn this into a mating position in eleven more moves is more witchcraft than chess! Quite honestly, I do not see the man who can stop Bobby at this time. — K.F. Kirby, South African Chess Quarterly 11… Re8 12. Qd2 e5! I was a bit worried about weakening my QP, but felt that the tremendous activity obtained by my minor pieces would permit White no time to exploit it. 12…e6 would probably lead to a draw. — Fischer 13. de5 Ne5 14. Rfd1 “Add another to those melancholy case histories entitled: The Wrong Rook.” — Fischer ~ “This is very much a case of ‘the wrong rook’. One can understand Byrne’s desire to break the pin on the e2-knight, but this turns out to be less important than other considerations. Fischer spends a lot of time and energy analysing the superior 14. Rad1!, but still comes to the conclusion that Black can keep the advantage.” — John Nunn 14… Nd3 Now it’s all systems go for the Fischer rocket. — Robert Wade 15. Qc2 There is hardly any other defense to the threat of …Ne4. — Fischer 15… Nf2! The key to Black’s previous play. The complete justification for this sac does not become apparent until White resigns! — Fischer 16. Kf2 Ng4 17. Kg1 Ne3 18. Qd2 Byrne: As I sat pondering why Fischer would choose such a line, because it was so obviously lost for Black, there suddenly comes… 18… Ng2!! This dazzling move came as the shocker… the culminating combination is of such depth that, even at the very moment at which I resigned, both grandmasters who were commenting on the play for the spectators in a separate room believed I had a won game! — Robert Byrne 19. Kg2 d4! 20. Nd4 Bb7 The King is at Black’s mercy. — Fischer 21. Kf1 In a room set aside for commentaries on the games in progress, two grandmasters were stating, for the benefit of the spectators, that Byrne had a won game. Byrne’s reply to Fischer’s next move must have been jaw dropping! — Wade 21… Qd7 And White resigns. Fischer writes: “A bitter disappointment. I’d hoped for 22.Qf2 Qh3+ 23.Kg1 Re1+!! 24.Rxe1 Bxd4 with mate to follow shortly.”


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%1$ Comments262

    I wonder what would be the performance rating for fisher for this score ?

    And people think that kasparov is better than Fischer? I've said this time and time again, kasparov was only the champ cause Fischer got banned from chess. I almost wrote Fischer was insane lmao but no seriously he is ridiculous with his calculations and creativity.

    Bobby Fischer was a pure chess genius who lived and breathed chess. He was once asked about what he liked to do in his leisure time and he replied that he would play over recent tournament games whilst listening to rock n' roll. When asked "Wouldn't listening to rock n' roll be a distraction?" he said, "No, it's only a distraction if I am playing seriously. Besides, the games aren't all that good anyway."

    Can’t ever turn down an Agad video featuring Bob!

    There are two Roberts, so it'll help if you're going to confuse people.

    Actually Capablanca died on March 8th, not born. He was born on November 19th, 1888.

    How ironic Bobby's greatest chess burns where against the Byrnes…

    For me, the star move was that last scoot forward for the black queen. Not just because it was winning and induced resignation, but because its a hard move to find at the end of a long calculation. Most players would be looking for more checks, or captures, or trippling down pressure on another piece. That you could somehow play a calm move like that at the end of a sacrifice sequence and hold everything together while giving the opponent zero counterplay….is, as they say, a brilliancy!

    I found correctly, Knight capture on f2

    Without a doubt the greatest player ever to move a white bishop or any piece to be precise. My chess hero

    please redo the game of the century! you covered it two years ago and your presentation style changed a lot since then

    Isn't Byrne pronounced "Burn"?
    (It is in Ireland and England at any rate)

    14:02 so lets take some bs-moves to show how brilliant the promoted player was??
    Whats wrong with Nf3 Qh3 Kg1 but Nc3 hangs…
    so Qf2 Qh3 Kg1…

    Had to watch this one several times, the calculating in advance is staggering.

    Bobby Fischer did a perfect match 11/11.
    Until this day, nobody can do that.

    "So, for those who were able to do it congratulations (0.0001%) and for those who just want to enjoy the show (9.9999%)"

    Besides his obsession with the game, if you want to get an idea of how much natural talent Bobby inherited, his father published a review of the entire Encyclopedia Britannica .

    Vladimir Simagin vs Leonid Stein
    (USSR Championship 1961a Tournament) A Crazy Imaginative Game!!!
    Plz also say something about Wilhelm Steinitz saga.

    Not to be a dick, but I think it's pronounced "burn" , despite the misleading spelling. Thanks for another wonderful video

    Couldn’t queen just have taken the pawn on d5 after the knight move and it’s completely safe?

    Fischer was the best. Ever. He was so far ahead of his peers that he lost rating points when he beat Spassky by a large margin.

    That was a great Brillancy. Though I still I'm partial to his Game of the Century.

    I will say though that the Fisher Saga was your best work; so far.

    Fischer, the greatest of all time in his peak.

    Excellent birthday recap… totally enjoyed it. The "who won 2nd" reference is such an apt summary!

    dont say fucking robert, just say fisher of fucking fucking confuses me.. you are joking about robert

    why are saying..robert castles? both of them are roberts, dude

    Fischer played with superhuman abilities not seen before or after him.

    This was the game that got me back into chess, I watched your original Game of the Century video and since then I got back into playing and learned a lot about chess thanks to agadmator 🙂

    Fischer was hugely dominating over the field in his prime playing days. Fischer random chess is just genius insight on what is best for the game. I for the longest time used to think Fischer was the GOAT, until about 2018. RIP Bobby, the chess world has much gratitude for your play and contributions.

    This is a very nice game by Fisher, but your analysis is very poor.

    Two of my favourite chess players from yesteryear..born away apart! Unbelievable!

    Is there any chance of you showing the rest of Fischer's memorable games (the ones you haven't covered already)?

    that is too deep from fischer, even Tal

    Antonio, in English we pronounce the name Byrne like BURN, not BIYRN. Just a FYI.

    Absolutely inhuman calculation by the pure talent 💖🙏

    8th March is the death anniversary of capablanca, not birthday

    How cool was it to show Magnus standings while talking about Bobby! Epic agad

    Am I crazy or this a re-upload? I was getting serious déjà-vu the entire video… I could be mistaken, maybe I watched another channel cover the same game.

    Just a small thing. Byrne is pronounced the same as "Burn".

    Yesterday only we watched "Pawn Sacrifice" and today this amazing game. Thank you Bobby! for these wonderful games.

    He played so well that he put the commentators under a great Genjutsu… I mean they still saying that he has lost the game

    I enjoy your content but I find your stutter and stammer difficult to deal with and quite annoying. I don’t think that this is due to English being a second language to you, but rather simply a bad habit. I wish you would clean up your speech; it would make your deliveries so much better.

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