Fischer’s Game Was So Complicated Commentators Thought He Lost

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Robert Byrne vs Robert James Fischer
“The Brilliancy Prize” (game of the day Mar-09-2017)
US Championship (1963/64), New York, NY USA, rd 3, Dec-18
King’s Indian Defense: Fianchetto Variation. Immediate Fianchetto (E60)

1. d4 Notes from various sources. 1… Nf6 2. c4 g6 3. g3 c6 4. Bg2 d5 5. cd5 5.Qb3 maintains more tension. — Fischer 5… cd5 6. Nc3 Bg7 7. e3 O-O 8. Nge2 Nc6 9. O-O b6 10. b3 It’s hard for either side to introduce an imbalance into this essentially symmetrical variation. Deadeye equality also ensues afer 10.Nf4 e6 11.b3 Ba6 12.Re1 Rc8 13.Ba3 Re8 14.Rc1 (Stahlberg-Flohr, Kemeri 1937) — Fischer 10… Ba6 11. Ba3 After White’s 11th move I should adjudicate his position as slightly superior, and at worst completely safe. To turn this into a mating position in eleven more moves is more witchcraft than chess! Quite honestly, I do not see the man who can stop Bobby at this time. — K.F. Kirby, South African Chess Quarterly 11… Re8 12. Qd2 e5! I was a bit worried about weakening my QP, but felt that the tremendous activity obtained by my minor pieces would permit White no time to exploit it. 12…e6 would probably lead to a draw. — Fischer 13. de5 Ne5 14. Rfd1 “Add another to those melancholy case histories entitled: The Wrong Rook.” — Fischer ~ “This is very much a case of ‘the wrong rook’. One can understand Byrne’s desire to break the pin on the e2-knight, but this turns out to be less important than other considerations. Fischer spends a lot of time and energy analysing the superior 14. Rad1!, but still comes to the conclusion that Black can keep the advantage.” — John Nunn 14… Nd3 Now it’s all systems go for the Fischer rocket. — Robert Wade 15. Qc2 There is hardly any other defense to the threat of …Ne4. — Fischer 15… Nf2! The key to Black’s previous play. The complete justification for this sac does not become apparent until White resigns! — Fischer 16. Kf2 Ng4 17. Kg1 Ne3 18. Qd2 Byrne: As I sat pondering why Fischer would choose such a line, because it was so obviously lost for Black, there suddenly comes… 18… Ng2!! This dazzling move came as the shocker… the culminating combination is of such depth that, even at the very moment at which I resigned, both grandmasters who were commenting on the play for the spectators in a separate room believed I had a won game! — Robert Byrne 19. Kg2 d4! 20. Nd4 Bb7 The King is at Black’s mercy. — Fischer 21. Kf1 In a room set aside for commentaries on the games in progress, two grandmasters were stating, for the benefit of the spectators, that Byrne had a won game. Byrne’s reply to Fischer’s next move must have been jaw dropping! — Wade 21… Qd7 And White resigns. Fischer writes: “A bitter disappointment. I’d hoped for 22.Qf2 Qh3+ 23.Kg1 Re1+!! 24.Rxe1 Bxd4 with mate to follow shortly.”


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%1$ Comments262

    Fischer makes it looks so Easy , he is the Goat 🐐 RIP. GREAT .BOBBY FISCHER

    The FISCHER PRIZE and $64,000 is awarded to whoever wins the US championship with a perfect score

    Both of the Byrne brothers got immortalised by Fischer in legendary games that will never be forgotten.

    Isn't this the game where Bobby Fisher got angry when his opponent resigned because he wanted to show how it would play out?

    Event: US Championship, 1965. Game: Robert Byrne vs Larry Evans. Result: One of the best games of the 60's between american chessplayers.

    Im so glad you don't edit out the part of you looking for the standings, or anytime something like that happens. It really adds to the charm of the video

    Bobby Fisher is one if the greatest chess masters of all time. My list: Paul Morphy, Robert James Fisher, Jose R. Capablanca, Mikhail Tal, and Garry Kasparov. I have not included Magnus Carlson because his story is not yet complete.

    The fact that Fischer is able to consistently top engine moves that long ago is absolutely absurd. Dude was basically an engine

    Thanks for your videos! you really explain what happens very well!

    A wonderful remembrance of a great champion. R.I.P.

    Happy birthday Bobby. The absolute goat. 11/11.

    I asked ChatGPT. "Byrne" should be pronounced like "Burn".

    Nic (J Bruce Feynman Niccolo P. Bentulan) says:

    2nd comment: I notice people are talking more about Bobby Fischer than about this particular game. Anyhoo for more on what Bobby Fischer would think today eg of Hans Niemann, Magnus Carlsen and Wesley So, check out:


    When the Knight took f1 the option of Rxd5 should have been explored. Agad dismissed all moves saying "You have to take the Knight or the position just falls apart". Blacks Queen would have on Guard A and thus reaction would be pretty much forced. Usually I
    do not enjoy detours but this rook move should have been examined. So I take back the award.

    Agadmator has a master piece here. I am not a big fan of this guy but this time, this time he deserves the brilliancy award. No detours to Never Never Land. The puzzle part was hard and informative. Well Done. GG.

    Byrne is actually pronounced "burn"!

    I had to watch the video twice: cuz Bobby ended it so quickly. Happy birthday, Bobby Fischy.

    Best part was they started with an almost symmetical position and on move 17 it's hard to believe in 4 moves it's all over. In the saga it was always seemed like his opponents thought they had a better position only for the hammer to fall. That he beat the Soviets with like the 2nd to xth other best players in the world backing them up before engines etc is stunning. Very hard to compare with modern players. I believe in blitz he was as far ahead as our modern titans [Carlsen and Hikaru] seem albeit only seen a few games from a tournament with Tal and others.

    As someone who was a kid in 70s with the cold war background it's hard to believe how much Fischer Spassky was so big. Great that chess is growing but in that period it was front page and news. A measure of its import was when Fischer was trapped in Japan by US sanctions busting prosecution Iceland rescued him because of the way that match "put it on the map".

    The real shame like arguably Morphy is his success never led to personal fulfillment or sanity.

    Bobby Fischer was a true chess genius. I'm sure the world has by now forgiven him his ramblings and anti-Semitism in his twilight years. I doubt though that the world will ever forgive him his refusal to play Karpov. He denied us what would possibly have become one of the greatest sporting duel for generations to come.

    Rest in Peace, Bobby. You showed us how chess should be played, and we are infinitely grateful for that. Some deny that you are the GOAT, but I suspect deep in their hearts they acknowledge that you are. There's currently a lad from Norway (a true chess giant, let it be said) who has also refused to defend his title, thus denying a lovable Russian chap affectionately known as Nepo a second opportunity at trying to relieve him of his title.

    i don't know how this guy Robert said his name, but Byrne would usually be pronounced like "burn"

    Disgusting. How can any grandmaster stand Fischer. He was just too powerful. Too dangerous for their time

    yes i use the PGN keep putting them in description

    Just learned that I share a birthday with Bobby Fischer!

    Why would we celebrate this guy considering his history as an anti-Semitic to spite his mother?

    What is really amazing about Fisher is that his peak rating 50 years ago was astonishing 2785, which is great today! It took 20 years to catch up with that rating and Kasparov managed to do it. Only a few among the best super GMs have higher rating today. The second stuff is that he did everything by himself, alone. He practically defeated the whole Soviet Olympic team in the world title match vs Spasky and when the Russians were absolutely the best chess team ever. That's why I consider Fisher the GOAT.

    One of the chess magazines congratulated Larry Evans for winning the US championship while crediting Fischer with a successful exhibition.

    Hussain Bu Adam حسين بو آدم says:

    Fischer was ahead of his time. Phenomenal over-board analysis.

    Larry Evans won the tournament, when you take Fischer's existence out of consideration. His last name was impressive as well

    What happened to milo Agad !! Really miss him on your video

    You should have a seperate playlist for
    immortal great games.

    You should have a playlist of
    immortal great games.

    King of the Kings.👑
    A spectacular victory for Bobby Fischer.🏆

    "As soon as Fischer gains even the slightest advantage, he begins playing like a machine"- Tigran Petrosian

    In an era when engines were inconsequential, the depth that Fisher was able to calculate was nothing less than extraordinary

    You didn't show a Capablanca game for this year's Capa's Birthday.

    Whenever I watch a Bobby Fischer game, the moves always appear 'lucky'. The mystery behind Fischer though is they aren't lucky, they are planned. His opponents fall into a trap, making them 'unlucky', so I guess that is why. Happy Birthday.

    PLEASE tell me where you found that photo of bobby!!!!

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