GENIUS Chess Trick!

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  1. Genuine question and I hope someone can answer but once white moves bishop to F1 and Hikaru takes D3 with his Queen is the correct move Rook to A2 as that can stop the bishop checkmate ?

  2. I would never in my life even come close to pulling of something like this

  3. The second last move after knight e5 when black bishop takes bishop..what if the queen takes bishop? Will it still be mate?

  4. I obviously missing something why can't king take bishop

  5. Why couldn’t the king jus kill the bishop when it moves by the king

  6. “He can’t keep getting away with it”

    This is the moment levy became Jesseburg

  7. Why the white choses knight to c4 to e5, instead of his queen to e1 to f2? I think than he won't get check mate for few moves.

    Correct me if I'm wrong.

  8. Levy describing Nakamura games:
    Hikaru describing Levy games: Levy is shit
    Hikaru describing carlsen games: Levy isn't GM
    Hikaru describing Mittens games: Levy can't beat it

  9. Levy when you make a loop of these shorts it’s incredibly cringe.

  10. Idk how to play this but It seems like it's an anime battle

  11. "you're a hostage. Your choices doesn't matter. If you choose to do what you choose to you're at the loosing edge"

  12. I've had enough of you bro , stop doing that cringe voice when you trying to attract attention of the action , just be fucking normal , geek 🤓

  13. If white bishop take black bishop, he could win by move the queen to f3

  14. Basically threat checkmate if you touch queen

  15. You know it's over when a grandmaster sacrifices his queen

  16. Gotham forgot to mention.If the white bishop takes h3 in the last position, black queen will takes f3 pawn check.white bishop goes g2 to defense then the queen takes g2 checkmate.

  17. Why can't white bishop eat the black bishop

  18. Ohk before white knight takes the black queen what if white take the bishop so if black queen takes the pawn so white queen just take black queen or am i wrong😂

  19. Ohk before white knight takes the black queen what if white take the bishop so if black queen takes the pawn so white queen just take black queen or am i wrong😂

  20. Ohk before white knight takes the black queen what if white take the bishop so if black queen takes the pawn so white queen just take black queen or am i wrong😂

  21. Can someone explain why white cant take bishop with queen after bishop takes bishop

  22. How did the paw and knight die at a single move?

  23. That ain't a sacrifice cause if it was really one the queen would have been actually taken

  24. What happened to pawn on g3, I'm a noob at chess can somebody explain?

  25. If im white in th second example i can't hit bishop by king ?

  26. Relax man, there is nothing about sensation it's just chess. U sound like in a nerve wrecking noisy bad advertising clip.🙄 Its nerve wrecking and embarrassment 👎speak normal, this world is already full of brabbling noise

  27. Why didnt white queen take Bishop? Black can't capture the queen cause of the rook

  28. I rarely get interested in chess. But when I do it is because of GothamChess.

  29. Uhm the bishop will get killed by the pawn tho people who saw this pls comment down below pls

  30. What would happen id white took the bishop at c8 insteaf of taking te queen – in the last position mentioned

  31. Where did black's G pawn go and how did the rook get to G7? None of white's pieces move other than the Queen taking the knight.

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