GENIUS Chess Trick!

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%1$ Comments532

    I thought he'd turned 6 pawns into queens and sacked them all 😂😂😂

    You know the game is over when a grandmaster sacrifices his queen

    why move horse when white bishop can take black bisop

    Good way of telling if you have talent for chess is how many brilliant moves yyou get, if you get them quite often yet you're still low rated its because you didnt learn the game enough

    That was one of the greatest of successive moves I've seen

    At the end of the short couldn't the white queen take the black bishop which would have led the black queen to take whites queen and white rook taking out blacks queen? Leading the black to lose a bishop and a queen potentially leading to white getting the upper hand?

    I dont get it, there was a pawn on G3 and an knight at E1, suddenly it disappeared into nowhere. I get it that the queen took the knight, but what about a pawn that is protected? Doesn't make any sense. How did the pawn disappear when the remainig chess pieces havent been moved?

    Why are you speaking like that all of a sudden?

    Couldn't the queen just take the bishop on 3f tho?

    Bro is like why don't u take this queen it will be fun 😂

    I dont know if I'm blind but couldn't white take the bishop with his bishop

    That's not what I'd call a sacrifice.

    So can the king just not attack in online chess? Cause from what I'm seeing none of these moves are mate. Just check.

    The man is a genius and so humble. Thats why we love the guy in the pineapple shirt.

    Not mate just take the bishop

    EDIT:I didn't see the rook

    Can you please just talk normally? It's annoying seeing you acting like the last idiot on earth. No offense.

    I ayed chess for 1 day getting inspired from ur vids and God if it's good I played multiple games they were all so good opponents my fav match went 30min long he only had his king left I had my king my elephant and my ah my bischop God that took a long while to do a checkmate

    He could have just take the knight with the king and win the game 😂 😂

    I started last March I’m an 1189 I’ve played like 280 my win rate is 60-70% games

    Sacrificing your queen will win you something in the future, so don't chase girls and call them queens chase the BAG – Game of chess

    I might be stupid but why cant queen take the bishop at the last bishop takes move?

    He just trolling at this point 🤣🤣🤣

    I would call this sequence: The Donald Trump experiment effect in politics.

    Okay but why didn't white just take his bishop there on that last move?

    I love it when he screams the moves

    You rearranged the table after “it got even crazier”!

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