GENIUS Chess Trick!

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%1$ Comments532

    Where the pawn go that had king in check

    U made an entire video about this and now ur milking this game as much as possible

    What happened to the pawn at G3 after the first shown movement? Did it magically disappear to fit the strategy??

    Not really a sacrifice when taking it results in mate 😂 no one is going to take the sacrifice so does it even count

    When Hikaru moved his queen couldn't white have used their bishop to take Hikaru's bishop?

    oh gawd, that king placement is a horrible place to be in

    With how often Levi is just flat out unimpressed it is hilarious to see him insanely hyped

    With how often Levi is just flat out unimpressed it is hilarious to see him insanely hyped

    Couldn’t white have just captured the bishop with the queen on the last move? What am I missing?

    Edit. Ahh I see it now. The castle..

    The amount of hype voice in this video is insane

    Can anyone tell me how the rook moved from f7 to g7? That's what really wonders me 🤣🤣🤣

    This guy will beat me at a game of chess

    Too many brilliant moves in a row for a human wtf

    I bet you 5 bucks he's not married! 🤣🤣🤣


    what a fcking madlad

    white rook to A2 could render a number of these mates irrelevant giving white the ability to take black queen

    Can't pawn 3f stop the checkmate

    for some reason his voice makes it sound 5x more funny and entertaining while hes explaining it

    Hikaru Nakamura v. Boris Gelfand. Possibly 2012? Been a while since I looked at it but it's an absolutely beautiful Kings Indian game

    Your narration is just as much as exciting the game.

    Pawn in G3 disappeared and also the rook moved to f7 in no time. I suppose there is some black magic in the board 😂

    Bishop to G3333
    Yeah i dont know wtf he is saying or doing

    When a GM does it, it's a brilliant strategy.
    When I do it, I'm an idiot who needs to switch to checkers.

    What happened to the pawn that was on G3?

    @GothamChess easy, play qE2. if he takes bishop F1 then queen trade. 😅

    Hikaru while playing this game : "Here here here here here here here here here yes yes"

    Levy??? Member when you beat him? QxN blunder…forced…by your massive charm. Member?

    What if white moved pawn to g3.. then both queen had choice to be safe or both sacrifice taking each other out..

    just eat the bishop not eat the queen beuv

    I’m a little lost. I’m trying to figure out where the missing move(s). Queen takes knight to prevent pawn checkmate. Pawn disappears and rook is moved to G7. best I can guess is queen took the pawn forcing check. Rook threatens Queen to move it back. But what did black do between the queen taking the knight and the pawn. Every pieces is in its exact location.

    I can't even get a second one and he sacrificed 6😭

    You need to chill out nerd, its a fukin chess

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