GM Levy!!

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%1$ Comments352

    @GothamChess You always mention your heart rate in the games, which got me thinking: It would be really nice if you could put your heart rate live in some of your videos. A lot of your subscribers love your content and like you as a person and just like me i know there's a lot of people that would like to see the pressure you go through in some of your games! Its just and idea that could be nice for you to consider, at the same time you would be the first youtuber to do that and perhaps more would follow…

    Thanks very much for all your efforts in the content you provide us daily. Hi from Honduras!

    IM King "Bonehead" He said it. Not IM King. Just Bonehead. DON'T BE ASHAMED!!

    The most important move in chess is getting a full nights sleep

    7:57 why didnt you played RXc8+ king move R8Xc6 completely winning the bishop??? (sh*t its would give him 3 connected passed pawns sorry im dumb) also 27:34 i think he can take the queen because after you took his he take back with the rook and you cant take his bishop (but again im dumb, just i dont know why this time im not using the analysis board right now so im probably just missing an idea in the position)

    He should play classical chess so that he has more time to think

    Eu tenho certeza que o krikor falou em algum momento "É, esse não parece bom"

    Do not use BetterHelp. Your information is not safe there. Do a simple search for the BetterHelp controversy. It's worse than just that.

    I’ll never understand insecurity, and anxiety. Just do your best and work towards your goals everyday. If you do that, then how could you worry. You’re achieving your dreams. If you’re not doing that then you are the only one to blame

    levy never fails to stare into our souls for the first second of the video

    Levy should stop blaming it on his title, its a YOU problem, you're bad, not IMs in general.

    Honestly sometimes i spot moves Levi makes and sometimes i spot the moves the grandmaster plays, i also sometimes play my own chess and blunder which perfectly explains my chess playing, most of the times i’ll play perfect or excellent moves, sometimes i’ll even throw in a great! Move, and then i’ll blunder or make a mistake, it’s honestly like i’m c&ckblocking myself from getting higher elo.

    Sometimes 85% sometimes 61%, and even on rare occasions do i get 90%.
    Honestly don’t know what i’m doing wrong from just watching and analysing my games.

    Actually i do this in every game, sometimes i play amazing/good and then suddenly i suck absolutely donkey.

    can you break down ayanokoji vs sakayanagi

    can someone tell me why sergey drygalov (9:10) has the korean flag when he's russian

    You ain't getting that title, it requires a lot of work, you upload daily and perhaps more importantly, you don't have it, there are limits, not everyone can become gm just because they study chess

    Levi will become a GM when luffy finds the one piece

    Awww… I have to give you a comforting like of this video for your mate in 1 blunder! 🙁

    I think it's GM and World Champion, not IM and GM

    I'm still rooting for you. You can do it, I believe in you. Please don't give up.

    One day levy will be a GM. I can feel it!

    God that last game was so fucking awesome. You'd be one of the scariest GM's if you could get over those nerves, but I totally get it.

    Levy never fails to fail to trick us into believing he’s a GM

    I haven't watch 1 second of the video and I can tell it's cap maybe a your peek you were almost GM level but not now more like a CM bro

    Man, can y’all stop with “Levy never fails”??

    Will always root for this guy to become a GM, but saying the difference between himself and GM's is just "nerves" is so disrespectful and kinda dumb.

    The difference is the extra thousands of hours these GMs have put in the past, he's using his time to stream and make money, which is amazing, but it's like setting money on fire and just sitting down whining, saying "I'll never be able to pay my mortgage"💀
    This whole video is just for content, so I'm guessing he actually knows the real thing separating him from being a GM.

    Hey Levy, I don't mind clickbait, I understand it works, but I would enjoy if the titles would be more balanced. Feels like I am clicking on the same video over and over again and it's diminishing my interest in clicking on your new videos as time goes by. That's my impression, I understand you have data that will perhaps tell a different story in the short term. Thanks for the great content.

    Why do we get a GM Levy titled video every month!

    Awesome games as always. Tragic mate in the 2nd game.
    But please levy do not advertise better help. They are uniquely horrible. And I'm not saying it just from personal experience, it's been known.

    Remember kids on these clickbait gm videos click pause hit dislike and leave. Give him zero watch time.

    GM Krikor is also a Streamer, I'm brazilian this video was like a cameo.

    if Levy manages to build confidence in himself and tame his own mind he will be a Gm

    It takes a lot of humility to work through these games. Thanks for sharing

    Your chance of becoming a gm is the same as Hans becoming a world champion

    i think levi is very close to gm level , not super gm like magnus and hikaru but like the avg 2400 gm and he just needs come over the mentall block that a gm are undefetable

    Levy is nearly to evolucionate to a Grand-Master

    this comment section never fails to mention Levy clickbaiting his audience

    Can we just appreciate how Levy always fails to become a grandmaster 🔥🔥🙏❤️

    levy is a GM but only if he will not blunder

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