GM LEVY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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%1$ Comments352

    Hope of the GM title is the real moneymaker for gotham.

    I legit nut to the idea of levy going back to irl chess

    I'm glad to see a high level Bird game. Even if he makes the same mistakes I do.

    How many clickbaits was that? 2.545th one I think

    Levy is about to be the boy who cried wolf: when he actually becomes GM the video will only get 3 views 😂

    U always do recaps of magnus tht u lowkey got better. Same how i got better at chess by watching your magnus recaps

    Your the closest thing a non gm will ever be without the title. You underestimate yourself. You would’ve won the last game if not for a minor restraint on time. You could be top 5 if you super duper try harded it for like a year.

    1st opponent was a Nicaraguan Master
    2nd was a Congolese Master
    3rd was an Indonesian Master
    4th was a Greenlandic Master

    NOBODY believed Levy became a GM, no matter how much of a clickbait he tried with.

    Second game is exactly why I dislike queen endgames

    This reminded me of Ivanchuk on good days.

    dude played Fabiano and doesn't even put it in the video that's crazy

    can't wait to take a marker and strike that international master mention in the book and add grand master, you got this Levy.

    @GothamChess if you think its healthy for you then 100 percent yes

    Levy: when u move in chees u need to think what ur opponent can do to u… 🤯🤯🤯

    Chess community will rejoice the day levy becomes gm

    Also I’m pleasantly surprised even gms hang mate in 1 lmao

    don't jinx it with the clickbait levy!!

    Hey levy, unretire only if it makes you happy. Do not play tournaments if it will stress you out or generate negative feelings.

    For what it's worth man, im happy to see you proud of yourself.

    Note to self: GM Levi is a carrot.
    Question to future self: am I a pig?

    We back you harder than vegans back their diet!!!!!

    Levy stollen is a type of German holiday bread. My family has it every year for Christmas even though i'm not German. I think that's maybe what your opponent is named after?

    I’d say don’t record those games and just focus on getting

    I mean if you arent willing to address your weaknesses is there a point? Strict diet would do a world of good for your anxiety and supercharge that brain.

    Yes levy you are one of the champions in the chess world

    If levy gets a Xanax prescription he'll be a gm in no time. If it weren't for anxiety he'd be a beast

    If Levy gets GM, I'll play a tournament

    Levi never fails to milk GM title….. for the whole rest of his life

    I think it’s better to stay retired and if you can play tournaments for fun its ok

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