Google vs. ChatGPT: INSANE CHESS
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Well done!!😎😎😎😎😮😮😮😮😂😂😂
this is quantum chess
wth broooooooooooooo
wow my brain explodes!!
im dead
bro Martin Plays better than Them
They AT a level beyond our understanding
6:50 the queen went through the knight 🙂
Awesome, both AIs treats each piece like a magical queen that can teleport and jump over pieces. And then introduced summonings
these pawns shmoovin bruv
Creative mode
Why don’t you use GPT-4? Regular chatgpt is worthless and stupid but GPT-4 actually knows how to play.
Please rematch
We need more ai battles!
IVE BEEN laughing THE ENTIRE VIDEO😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
No tiene sentido lo bueno que es este video jajaja
I cant stop laughing 🤣😂 eats its own horse sacrificing the queen 😂
This is what 10k rating looks like. It just beyond our comprehension
The real definition of chess in Ohio
This is how Calvin and Hobbes play chess!
The sad reality is that only ai is allowed to do such moves
Finally two like-minded A.I.'s traveling in the same universe.
13:21 no it en passanted the knight
13:12 I see a checkmate for chatgpt
R@h3, Q@h1
Laughing whole time
Google AI did mate TWO TIMES and levy didnt accepted. Stop levy, not cool. #freegoogle 😢
That game was fire
7:16 google does'nt give a fuck💀
Pov you and ur friend playing chess without knowing how to play chess 😂
This video is hilarious. Need a rematch between these two again
sensational stuff lol
5d chess portrayed on 1 board time travels not shown
4D Chess. We just can't see the 4th dimension.
If anyone tries to guess the moves in this game u need to get a therapist😂
normal chess in ohio be like:
10:52 great reference 😂
16:51 The pawn selfindetified as a Queen
When he said monster unborn I fell on the ground laughing
Saw this, got immediately inspired to play chatgpt, did so, and somehow got it to accept defeat after it brought 9 major pieces back (including 2 queens) from the beyond in equally comedic fashion. Thank you for the inspiration!
I thought at the end he was going to say HAPPY APRIL FOOLS-💀💀💀💀💀😆😆😆😂😂😂
levy got so confused with chatgot and goodle bard that he started mistaking the queen for a knight
that knight will never be forgotten o7
When chess gets bugged
This is exactly how i play chess with my friends when we are drunk 😂 11:29
now that's a just game 🤣
12:58 what a historic moment. 9 pawns!!
At 8:48 if white took the knight it could do en passent take the rook and promote the pawn to a queen