GOT PAIRED AGAINST MY SISTER IN A CHESS TOURNAMENT ║ $1,000 !Raffle presented by !Coinbase

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%1$ Comments110

    What the hell 😂 Dina is totally disrespectful to Alex!

    Would have enjoyed it much more without Dina. Thumbs down for this reason.

    I think Dina forgets that this is a serious event. You're not really in the mood for jokes or stuff like that in the middle of the moment.

    Big sis always wins and Andie is playing chess for content that is for sure but Alex is playing to be the Grandmaster

    post-game interview was way more unironically tense than i expected lol

    Dina was doing way too much. She got some hate in her heart for alex. Was really corny

    So Glad I made it, Wow! just loved this important game. Magnificent! profiles in so many ways.

    Why does Dina try to create this unnecessary narrative or drama

    The REAL Chess indeed. What a clash!

    I really don't like Dinas condescending style and unnecessary drama she tries to create. Hammer on the other hand is a perfect combination of instructive chess, good sense of humour and chat interaction.

    Hey ladies! Love watching your games. Sorry I missed the live game. 😢

    Is the Alex-and-Dina-hate-each-other thing real or just done for content reasons? It's very convincing if they're faking it.

    No matter what you say ……… one of the sisters will be pissed – so better say nothing!

    3:38:18 also… really this wasn't nice. I don't think I need to spell out why, in 2024, saying this is pretty horrific. I know Andrea didn't mean it but please remember what is going on in the world.

    I honestly had to drop out of the stream because Dina kept building this aggressive narrative. It was fun once. It was okay twice. Hours of "I'm not impressed, Hammer's fault, bad prep" and all that extra stuff about Andrea not wanting to talk to people… it was just too much made up drama and detracted from the game.

    Just my 2c but it was way too much.

    Love y’alls energy. Keep up the good work

    what the hell was that post match interview lmao

    I like how she just yells Fuck right by Andrea 😂

    55:17 so Dina visited Iceland reikjavyk but she thinks that's in norway? she doesnt know what country she visited? and i thought i was bad at geography lmao
    btw Dina looks like the russian version of that blonde actress from Crank movie with statham

    how much time they get? seems like a a lot

    Dina & Hammer are awesome commentators! I enjoyed watching them through this whole tournament!!

    Why isn't there anymore past streams on your twitch??? Where can i get my dose of.. Andrea

    U just dont touch someone's once piece stuff

    Rooting for Andrea because I'm also the youngest child and its time we show our elders a lesson. I dominate my older brother in thinking games.

    Both have coaches to give feedback about the game. But a mother complimenting and encouraging proper sportsmanship is true parenting. So moma Botez complimenting the resignation was proper.

    will you ever go to tuscany for a tournament?

    Dina is a fantastic player and stinks as an announcer. Rude and seemingly does not listen to her co-host.

    I'm sorry, but… hammer is soooo annoying. He gets offended over the dumbest stuff.. He explores lines, then just leaves them sitting there, so you don't even know what's actually going on in the real game.. why do you guys let him host? You could easily pick up a bunch more viewers if you traded him out for someone decent.

    Creamy chocolate milk is the best anti-spice drink.

    1:24:00 So, whilst the sisters are learning chess from the coaches, the coaches are apparently learning trashtalking from the sisters XD

    they are arguing about chess style being depressing but in the end …alexandra doesnt look too depressed winning :p …..only about the wall thing lol

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