GothamChess Answers Tough Questions in Game of Lie Detector Chess

How much money does @GothamChess make a year? Does he like Andrea Botez?! We put GothamChess under a lie detector to REALLY see what he’s thinking!

Produced by Chandler Toffa
Shot by Andrew Ventura
Polygraph Test Administrated By David Robbins
Edited by Vladimir Isaenko

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%1$ Comments425

    I think that you are the most influential youtube content creator in the chess world. You appeal to the big picture of internauts. So that is a big accomplishment. Keep on doing it, your the goat^^

    why when they were setting up the board did they first put the pawn next to the rook

    Danny has a good soul, he must be a hell of a guy to hang out with

    Levy moves his right hand ao often i wonder if that somehow affected the results

    More like "stress detector" chess. It's well known that these machines are inadmissable in court. FFS

    Danny: I want to try beat the polygraph.

    Also Danny: explains every answer to the most detail and truthfully.

    Okay okay. Daniel not only pees in the shower, he said it's warm on the skin. He pees on himself… Daniel rench likes pee stuff confirmed

    Levy definitely seemed a bit nervous especialy in the beginning. Great video

    Lie detectors have been proven to be garbage, haven't they?

    Levy had to put the magnus question in there

    The bubble acting like lie detectors are a real thing that has any merit is a bit like people taking homeopathic medicine.

    Love how they played the french with that shirt

    damn, what a nice idea and such a sweet ending, you guys rockkkk

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