We got Magnus Carlsen, Hikaru Nakamura and Viswanathan Anand to guess a series of different famous games but with a twist! They weren’t allowed to see the pieces! Can they figure out which games these are?!

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%1$ Comments151

    It's insane how good their memory is!!! Ofc Magnus won but huge respect to all 3!!

    Jesus Christ and Holy Mary, Magnus is absolute GOAT in chess memorization

    Bhai kaise inko ye yaad hota hoga?? I mean wo piece bhi nhi dekh rhe hai it's just position still they are able to recall,, ❤ so good and so brilliant bhai, प्रभु की माया कही धूप कही छाया 😅 , प्रभु मेरे उपर एसी दिमाग बनादो hehe.

    Magnus can remember the position of 90s thats crazy

    I would never do this Challenge against Magnus 😂

    I refuse to believe Carlsen is the same species as me

    I´m impressed. They were able to concentrate on the position despite the irritating fact that the checker pieces were partially on illegal squares.

    Magnus mind is a library to know all those positions, that's insane

    Tell them to speak softly, I can't hear the music very well

    Magnus eating lunch with his girlfriend, looking at the plates and utensils.
    "This is Karpov vs Kasparov 1989"

    Magnus getting separated from the rest of the field

    Damn this just shows the difference between magnus memory and others . kind of unfair tbh

    Magnus won that too😅.. How does he know Hikarus game better than Hikaru himself.. Is he even human

    Damn everyone struggling then Magnus looking for 0,1 seconds and already laughing like its very easy

    Magnus knows his chess positions too well.

    I thought they won't be that mean, but they are
    – Vishy 2024

    Hikaru "just another chess game playing for fun". And if Levy was playing this "why is this so hard" like if you agree

    Hikaru is making kids addicted to gambling

    This just makes the chess scenes in movies become more realistic LOL.

    Magnus isn’t good at chess. He just remembers every master level game he has ever seen. EZ GAME.

    Me : so we gonna guess..
    Magnus : EASY!

    It’s crazy how much better Magnus is at this than either of them. He’s unbelievable

    That was the most insane thing I’ve ever seen in my life

    Music overpowered the voices here and was constantly distracting.

    me forgetting where i put my motorcycle key every time I'm going to the gym watching this: 😮

    I dont even remember what i ate last night. But magnus remembers games from 1912😭

    The music in the background was distracting

    And here i cant remember the position of the tv remote from 5 minutes ago.

    The gms in every position
    Magnus:easy its-
    Vishy:so uhhhh uhhhh oh yeah this is-
    Hikaru:hmm yeah i give up i just cant yk

    Shows how much better Magnus is than his rivals.

    Vishy's memory at this age is just mind-blowing!!

    The music is louder than some of the dialog

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