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%1$ Comments737

    He didn't tell me to geddouddofhere. I don't know what to do

    stop being overdramatic you fool

    I thought I was a band wagon subscriber when I joined with 800,000 subscribers, now I feel like an Original Gothamite.

    Thanks Internet for making me feel special!

    Schleifenquantengravitation im Raumzeitkontinuum says:

    why is gotham so mean to the viewers?

    1600 on youtube yes you always go rfd1 idk what he's doing

    The ambulance impressions was actually spot on

    Ban the last guy… it happened before and he made it bigger than it is for nothing, just ban him and request 1000 subs in compensation for your credibility

    Yes, I think it is right. Historic. I have watched every episode of 'Guess the ELO' at least once, and I think I would remember that thing. Also, very well guessed today, Levy!

    I remember guess the elo has a smothered already. It was the game that white didn't play g4 for 10-15 moves and didn't trap the bishop, i don't remember the episode tho

    The ambulance impersonation was funny and fitting for the moment

    So when we email Gotham our games are they possibly gonna appear on this series?

    Not sure how many comments you've gotten for this so sorry if I am piling on but I would love to see you try and play Pokemon Chess with Little Z. I know you are not a Pokemon Youtuber but I think he made a decent game that combines the chess skills with some RNG and a little bit of other Pokemon knowledge. I know it's not the normal, and I in no way decide what you do but would be cool.

    was, wasn't, was, wasn't….I'm not saying.

    Did anyone find any smothered mate in the series yet? Lemme know please, i really wonder

    You can lead a chess player to a good position, but you cannot make them think

    Smothered mate has, in fact, happened before in GTE, the first game of episode 30

    Please dont stop gte i watch it everytime u upload 🎉

    Everyone, Gotham finally posted a video with a normal looking face in his thumbnail. We should all watch it twice so we can persuade him that the algorithm that doesn't want him to do the weird faces any more.

    "why would you aim a bazooka at a wall, and then park your car in front of it?!?!" – Levy 2023

    Levy after the world championship: sorry about the dumb thumbnails, we can go back to normal thumbnails.

    The thumbnails:

    I can't watch this when there's people around, levy says "OH MY GOD!!" so many times that sounds like I'm watching corn lol

    Everything about you is so false Levy, you should learn to be genuine

    "I threw you in a lake and you still died of thirst" – IM Levy Rozman, 2023.

    Last one mate has once happened in episode no. 30 4:03 now that person will give 10 subs and get banned

    How can I share my games for your reviews???

    I still feel bad for levy, because he didnt become gm 😢

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