Guess The Elo Must End

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%1$ Comments452

    Should've posted this on youtube, was a good episode.

    Re: stalemate. Earlier today I had no pieces, and my opponent had a queen, a rook, a bishop, a knight, and two pawns. He stalemated me, with a minute still on the clock. Never resign.

    ironically it's actually my favorite serie in the internet

    Coming out of my cave to say levy is awesome.

    Levy: "this is a guess the elo episode"

    Proceeds to spend the next minute roasting him instead of answering the question or doing guess the elo.

    "YouTube will never see this video" lol and "I mean, I mean, I mean" love you Gotham

    Держись там Леви, понимаю что ты в плену но всё будет хорошо 🤣

    "Youtube is never gonna see this." WEEEELLLLP

    Levy needs help but he mentioned 3 places where they got him ..Austria .. Amesterdam.. London .. are the clues?

    I cant leave until you say get outta here so of course i made it to the end

    I beat a lvl 2100 best 5/8 using the london.
    I accomplished this Achievement while having less than 50 games under my belt.
    If I buckle down and do some efficient studying, im capable of 2500 maybe 2600 by next year. Not bad for a rookie season.

    Do you pick the games or does an editor do it? If the latter, I think you're being well and truly trolled this episode. 😀

    17:20 It actually makes sense for a novice to be able to find a smothered mate if they recognize the pattern after having been constantly bombarded by it in online chess communities.

    is there sum skill based match making apart from the elos cuz im 950 and play at least 3x better on rapid then those to 18-1900s wth

    Brother it’s GTE of course I made it to the end for the second promo

    I don't think I will guess the elo, I'm going to enjoy the video instead

    Has anybody made a version of Stockfish that goes for stalemate instead of the win?

    11:53 Could someone please explain Qd5 instead of Qa7 or even Qd6*?

    26:15 Was that game bullet? Please tell me it was bullet. What >1500 plays like that outside of bullet? (and even that's a stretch) 26:36 Wait, it wasn't bullet? What were those players on?

    *Which just loses the Rook, but black was probably still winning.

    I love how many times he told us he wont post it on YouTube 😂

    thumbnail guy needs to get neither a raise nor a pay cut

    Levy you horrible father, why didn't you teach Benji that move? He was SO SAD 🙁

    5:26 he would be out actually. Same thing if he misses a base

    Man that 1900 game killed me I also guessed 1300 and was so confident 😭

    it's a sign in the Thumbnail, i doubt he will be free soon

    It might say bad things about me that I recognize the whale immediately now

    Less cussing pls (it would be nice 😊

    idk when gotham is sarcastic or when he is genuine

    Thank you for making these, I love them.

    nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope

    I love how people are still commenting on how levy is being held hostage despite the fact that he is back in his normal house

    So Levy went on vacation to mountains in europe. And now wer'e getting a sponsor from Austria? Coincidence?

    5:18 @GothamChess As a chess and baseball player, to your question, can a baseball player hit a homerun and staying in first base, can you do that?, well, not exactly, although you can be out if you forget to step on first base and step all of the other bases, authomatic out, or if there is another player at the bases when you hit a home run, and you pass your team partner and step on a base, 2nd, 3rd, home, again BEFORE him, its an authomatic double play, and you two (or three or four) are out. Im not joking, this has happened before, but im to lazy to remember the team, year, game, and players involved in the situation, good morninr, good afternoon, and good night. (if I wrote anything wrong, sorry, im from Mexico and barely know any english).

    Levy blink 5 times in first 10 seconds if you need help

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