GUESS THE ELO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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0:00 Intro
1:15 Game 1
7:40 Game 2
12:25 Game 3
18:26 Game 4
25:30 Game 5
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Is castling like the quadratic formula of Chess?
that first game was so dramatic for no reason😭
ultra rare instance of Levi actually making good content, possibly even rarer than Stockfish finding a brilliant move
Where do we submit the gameees
I guessed along trying to tune out the numbers that Levy was throwing out:
1. 750
2. 600
3. 1400
4. 900
5. 1500
I guess a stopped clock is right once a day: I got closest with game 4.
Isn’t this going to be weekly now?
Cmon Levy u couldve clickbated so mich more for this lmao
anyone can be 1200 in blitz holy
Finally it's back
2:21 my guess is that white was trying to avoid getting the bishop trapped by giving it the flight square h2.
I cant belive gues the elo is back 🎉
yea but the thing is, we like guess the elo bc of your reaction of dumb moves. The guessing is a side quest type of thing
still putting out this garbage clickbait.
Gassy Elo Yompers
I know you don't need any help making big-brain content trains, but have you considered hosting a guess the elo with other gms, ims, and/or content creators? I think that could be a cool mix up
I don't like this format.
please do more of these i absolutely love them
The good ending 11:30
Oh wow I said that the last video. You listen the requests🎉🎉
tbh 420 is the perfect elo score.
i wonder if he will guess the elo
If I wasn´t completely sure that I wasn´t at this event, I might think some of those were my games… Which is kinda sad
GUESS THE ELO!!!!!!!! IS BACK!!!!!!!
It's about time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the best series on youtube
these are always amazing videos
The amount of times I think of you when I'm playing and analyzing my moves is crazy
I’m guessing Levy’s rating is somewhere in the 2320’s
Was that a Ben Simmons shot ? 😅😂😂
We all thought it 🤷🏽♂️
i feel like Levy's humour got 100x better in this vid
I can't wait for the GTElo live with all the grand masters you feature on here and the games will be picked from their folowers
Most frustrating elo for me a few years back was 800
Not first this time 😔
The only series of videos I'll watch by GothamChess ❤
if you want to come to italy with an event i can cook for you a carbonara or something else especially if you choose Milan as a city
Idiotic stupid comment just to get likes
13:53 ah yes levy is og
Levy never fails to guess the Levy
Levy , did you took the chess personality test , and if yes what did you got ?
Sup levy
Bro, the guesses are fine and all but the appeal of GTE is in your wild over the top reactions. And then the icing on the cake is exactly when you guess 500 points under and tell them to delete their account.
That's what i watch GTE for.
Really wish this was a normal guess the elo episode
I’ve missed this series
"your chess should look like checkers"
8:19 this looks like caro-kann with white