Hans Is Back For Titled Tuesday

Hans is back during the Sept 5th Late Titled Tuesday featuring the likes of Magnus, Fabi, and Alireza.


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#gmhikaru #chess #titledtuesday

%1$ Comments49

    Why put Hans in the title but not show your game with him

    What happened to Ding after becoming world champion. Has he played anyone recently

    Hilary eating a burger with a knife and fork is CRAZY 🤯

    Every youtuber is using Hans as clickbait and they getting tons of views but Hans, himself in his own channel, reacting to the drama and his own game is getting like max 10k views. poor fellow.

    bro is clickbaiting with Hans every other video🤡

    How can we know Hans isn’t cheating? There will always be doubts.

    How can we know Hans isn’t cheating? There will always be doubts.

    Hikaru I'm.a massive fan of yours but I'm living in tough times financially! subbed to you on kick after subbing to you on twitch for a long time
    I was disappointed on Tuesday to face a load of adds on twitch all day
    When you said you were going to kick mainly I didn't expect tt on twitch
    People will say get a better job sub on both
    But for health reasons I can't
    Despite all this you are the reason I play chess ! I admire you greatly

    Hikaru I'm.a massive fan of yours but I'm living in tough times financially! subbed to you on kick after subbing to you on twitch for a long time
    I was disappointed on Tuesday to face a load of adds on twitch all day
    When you said you were going to kick mainly I didn't expect tt on twitch
    People will say get a better job sub on both
    But for health reasons I can't
    Despite all this you are the reason I play chess ! I admire you greatly

    bro is clickbaiting with Hans every other video🤡

    That smacking eating sound is NOT A NICE BOACKGROUND NOISE FOR CHESS

    im sorry hikaru are you eating a cheese burger with a knife and fork

    2:20 thats reverse Sicilian 😂 same setup but its white what are these openings 😅

    I love how Hikaru was silent about the Hans stuff for like a year and the moment the lawsuit was settled he started farming him for content

    If youre caught cheating your titles should be stripped. Now he will never be caught though because no one can ever accuse him again. But playing online for money now is a joke

    I enjoy watching Hikaru play, but I am a little annoyed when he is being outplayed and says things like "I messed up", "I don't know what I'm doing" or "I can't believe I missed that". I've never heard him say anything like "I was outplayed". Is anyone else bothered by this?

    "Thou shalt not use the Hans Niemann name in vain."

    Hikaru it’s a suggestion that you should also include Indian gm in your thumbnail that’s to increase the viewership

    “I feel like I got dragged into this drama” then clickbait’s Hans 4 times a week😂

    If we have to put up with terrible singing for great chess then so be it

    Hikaru: I have a cheese burger too

    Also Hikaru: whips out a knife and fork for his burger.

    Any comment on the Kramnik – Hans controversy (after losing Kramnik purposely letting Hans checkmate him in 2 moves)?

    Well, i was expecting a match against Hans. Disappointed & disliked the video.

    Who eats burgers with knife and fork? That's posh.

    Bro was a eating a cheeseburger with a fork bro

    40 seconds in and this man is eating a cheeseburger with a fork

    what game is hikaru playing? the guy wearing a white shirt

    Hans is back, but his fake russian accent isnt

    How can someone be caught cheating multiple times and still be allowed to return to competitive chess?!

    I swear, Hikaru plays careless moves (or PRETENDS he made an oversight) just to interest his viewers.
    He’s always “screwing something up”.

    at 4:53 I tought Hikaru could make a sacrifice into a later better reward… sac the rook x C6, then expected that pawn takes rook, then knight takes pawn, this attacks rook, but also enables an attack on knight with our other rook to later take there….yes black rook can move and threaten the knight as well with rook d6, but knight d7+ and after king moves knight f5 (just incase king attacked knight) we still have a take on that knight or black looses the rook. seems safe to me

    Why sore losers like Kramnik and Carlsen and Hikaru can accuse people with ZERO evidence and get away with it??

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