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%1$ Comments264

    already watched hikaru's recap, was worth it

    Bro I’m the only one who tries to learn

    Hey I just bought your book today! Can't wait to get it next week! Thanks ❤

    dude i watched this game on hans' channel yesterday it was really interesting and exciting to watch especially at the end there. it was pretty clear when it happened that it was a mouse slip, you could even see the cursor glitching out. and you know what, he took it really well too, because he realized it was a slip and he had a lot of really good moments in the game, he grabbed a draw from a loss

    Damn, after this game, a certain someone surely trashed a whole city.

    You cannot complain about the mouse slip Magnus wins drawn endgames most of the time

    Stockfish didn't play one move and the Hans lost the game

    its not a clickbait, im a 1400 player and hans leavin his pawn would shock me too.

    Excuse me Mr.Gotham, you've said Hans shocked Magnus. But in which part of the video did Hans shock Magnus? Gotham is a CLICKBAITER.

    these videos getting boring not to hate btw

    At 20:27 Hans had to take that passed pawn with the king…it was too obvious…even Levy Rozman himself ignored talking about that move coz it was too obvious for one to miss

    At this point, I’m not even mad at the clickbait, it’s just a meme. I know what kind of video to expect and i am never disappointed

    i enjoyed the video very much Levy clap clap keep at it have a great day every-one.

    Wow. What a crazy game. Just what the doctor ordered.

    Can't wait to see Magnus continue to beat Hans! 🇳🇴🇳🇴

    Hans aight for a sucka and that Magnus dude he ain’t shit

    If I was receiving electric shock cheating instructions I’d have them hook the “yes”to the right testicle and the “no” to the left I might even throw the anal beads in there with it without it vibrating me the answers but I’m kooky like that

    What did Hans use some other form of sex toy to excite Magnus’s nipples?

    I always rush to watch when its my fav chess player Hans playing!!!! GOAT!

    on the clickbait note, I know this is like "pin of shame" worthy and I get that, but isn't all of his top videos like well described titles of what's going on in a clever way. like "30 Queens. Can Martin Win?" that's a far cry from "MARTIN BAD CHESS BOT !!!!!!?????????? 50000 BLUNDERS" right? seems like this new style is just not really that valuable.

    7:35 Bro I’m a nerd so I get it, but having a moment of genuine awe at seeing a square defended by 5 pieces on a chessboard is peak 🤓

    At this point I have a built in "Levy's clickbait title translator." I see something like HANS NIEMANN SHOCKS MAGNUS CARLSEN!!!!!! and my brain automatically translates it to "Niemann plays against Magnus"

    You claim you read all the comments.levy , love you bro watch my content if you have time motorcycles have been my whole life just like you play chess but I’m at like 800 elo and I’ll never reach im lol 🫀🫀🫀🫀

    This game gave me a solid chess chub!


    Opponent makes a mistake
    Levy: That's why you need to evaluate the possition
    Magnus makes a mistake
    Levy: That's a major commitment🤯🤯😲

    Crazy how Magnus should have won about 5 times and then wins when he should have drawn. 3 minute chess in a nutshell

    Hans Nobody relies so much on Magnum Carlsen, and Grand Wizard Hikaru to stay relevant

    Hey levy, why is a 3 vs 2 pawn game draw? But, a 4 vs 5 pawn game wins for the one with highest pawns? ( I have seen you tell the 4 vs 5 situation in a video of yours). And good work putting some great content for us all.

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