Hans Niemann Wins With 200% Accuracy


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%1$ Comments420

    he looks as if he hasnt slept in a weak is he ok

    I think a5 incentivizes the blunder QxA5, but Zelcic is just too clever

    Levi, you're a phenomenal story teller. You had me on the edge of my seat.

    hans is having a anime protagonist comeback

    0:32: 🏆 Hans Neeman is back to competing actively in chess tournaments and has performed well in the tournament of Peace in Croatia.
    4:20: 🏰 White strategically blocks Black's attempts to win a pawn and defends the center.
    8:49: 🏰 Hans spends a long time on a strange move, but the position is still fresh.
    13:09: 📚 The video discusses a chess game where Hans is daring his opponent to make certain moves.
    17:12: 📚 Hans takes advantage of black's weaknesses and wins the endgame.
    21:24: 🔥 The video discusses a chess game where the player combines positional dominance with tactical strikes to put pressure on the opponent.
    26:11: 📚 The video discusses a chess game where black is on the verge of total defeat.
    Recapped using TammyAI

    I played a blitz game 94% accuracy today and took a screenshot.
    Seeing this video I’m back to humility

    Hans is a gigachad. How this kid handled all the controversy around him was very commendable. I was inspired by him.

    Chess needs a heel, sure. But tbh, we need full on pro wrestling-style plots in elite chess.

    hans try not to cheat impossible challenge

    My God, this game was beautiful. The positional control combined with the tactics at the end. GMs really are terrifying.

    Gotham I am done with your tom foolery you clickbaited me and this is why you will never be a grandmaster

    Excellent presentation of the game, thanks Gotham

    Magnus challenges the computer moves while Nieman plays like the computer

    "Last time that I made a video title that said Nieman won with 100% accuracy I was trying to…" get more clicks is maybe how the sentance should've ended, minor innacuracy though (just a joke! Love the channel)

    Honestly I know this is a dubious take but taking Hans' past out of the equation and only looking at his chess from in the last year? Dude is naaaaasty and his chess literally does speak for itself. His performance here reminds me of Bobby Fischer's nasty candidates run before he took the world championship

    am i the only person who knows of this guy for throwing his among us game with xqc lol

    for some reason this video doesn't pop up in my notification button but the shorts somehow made it even tho I set to "all notification" from this channel. that's weird

    Hans is a brilliant chess player, but has zero social skills.

    Gotham: when I said Hans played 100%, I was hyping him up, but Hans and his fans said I was insinuating that he was cheating.

    Gotham: "[analyzing Hans's game] a5, I mean, that's not a move that I as a human…"

    LOL, I love this…

    Watch out dude, Neimann might cry about this title like he cried about the other one😂😂

    Beautiful game. Thanks for such a detailed, understandable and EXTREMELY ENTERTAINING analysis!

    Hans’s pronouns are stockfish/alphazero.

    I liked the part where Hans showed the engine what the best moves were

    I love the life story of the pawn on A5

    Why sore losers like Kramnik and Carlsen and Hikaru can accuse people with ZERO evidence and get away with it??

    If the game is worthy I’d love to see Levy review Hans v Chucky.

    I always skip the introduction Gotham, just wanted to let you know

    I'm fine getting clickbaited when it says 200% accuracy instead of 100%. Then it's no ok.

    That's that Kramnik data right there.

    As an expert I can say that Levy's pronunciation of Toronto is 100% on point

    I wish I could know he wasn’t cheating. Then I could be a fan.

    Can you also cover sinquefield cup…
    Top players there too

    9:17 draws male member in pawns this is what looks good to me 😂 love you Levy you’re the reason I play chess now, I learn everything from you

    Either hand cheats every move or he saw that horse promotion and the variations way down the line. Those were not fluke cheats or one time, that was a strong game plan. Tbh this game points to the Hans is just really good camp

    bro the link for the FAN EVENT IN TORONTO does not work

    Levi vs Hans chessboxing when?

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