He beat me in 3 seconds

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%1$ Comments110

    Black, Bishop e5 then e4
    White rook takes bishop e4 , black queen takes rook e4.
    Black rook e7, black rook e8.
    Black rook takes night, white rook takes black rook e3.
    Black takes white rook e3.
    Black promotes a7 pawn.
    Black wins

    No, he's not better than me. He's better than most of us☠️🗿

    I'm 1500 fide but am scared to go to tournaments now what do I do?

    This kid is better than all the viewers 💀

    Levy vs 1000, obviously the 1000 will win. Levy isn't even a GM

    the kid was really playing good (idk how to play chess so i can't tell, i just said what all the comments said)

    Levy: "wanting to have a conversation"
    Kid: " "

    Kids qualified…

    For my basement.

    no matter what Levi will always get his ass handed to him by a kid 😂😂

    With a elo of 1080 I can say that I am better than that kid (I am 14)

    Kid better than 99% of the adult population

    I thought he could just block with the rook

    Bro Have An Beef With A Kid 💀

    I lost the right to trash talk 😂😂 that kid going places

    Kid prepared his whole life for this moment 😂❤

    That kid players better than 99% of the population

    Kid be like: I've beaten my dad who is this guy

    "You've earned the right to trash talk"

    Nice to see Daniel Radcliffe enjoying his retirement from movies

    Nah he's lower rated then me and a bit good ate trash talk

    But I am a better trash talker

    he earned the right to trash talk and roast gotham for this

    this kid has the knowledge and intelligence, but he's also still not used to his body and movements

    Can beat me in classical but not chess boxing…

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