He beat the World Chess Champion!

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%1$ Comments400

    Do you love one piece or why do you spoil the video with the titles?

    Glad to see the iconic stare make a return. 10/10

    I thought this was another vid, considering the change in title. And who understood levy's hmm hmmm hmmmm hmm.

    new chess fan here. This tournament is incredible. The Ding match, the Nepo match and the Wei match were all incredible.

    Make this top comment so that guy doesn’t get it

    Levy never fails to change the title of the video 27 times

    Dunning-kruger simply a study that shows ignorant people are more confident in their skills, but as their knowledge increases the confidence decreases, however eventually when they actually gain enough knowledge their confidence goes back up, however now it is warranted

    Why no capablanca recap , teasing me Naught naughty


    We don't need the top names in the world to participate, then proceeds to name, liren, giri, gukesh, praag. Lol😂

    All the "levy never fails to" comments aside, I take a moment to appreciate your consistency with the videos ❤ they truly work as something i look forward to after i get my works done (also love the way recent thumbnails keep having brilliant moves haha 🙂 .

    Don’t like the fact that the Cheater is in first place. He is so unlikable…

    I prefer scandinavian to Caro – Kann. Thoughts Levy?

    Had to stare at the start of video stare for like 35 seconds due to my video taking forever to load

    Just insane game of inches, chess is truly amazing


    21:33 You can always move the bishop on he diagonal,and at the end you can sack the bishop for the pawn,black plays f4,and his king is kinda stronger,cause it's more active

    Why is Niemann in the challenger section

    Make this top comment instead. I won't like it tho.

    Mr. Rozman, I am really interested in psychology and so i am attracted towards knowing and understanding the thinking and interpretations of others specially people who are popular or different or special….. and therefore if you don't mind will you like to answer some of the questions just for the sake of my knowledge and satisfaction. The questions are –
    1. Are you Happy? And "Were" you Happy?
    2. What are your opinions on achievements and achieving now and before being recognized widely?
    3. What do you feel about "others"?
    4. What differentiates between you and your viewer and a normal person?

    And that's it……..

    (and i commented before here and as you can see my comments arent looking similar cause you know sometimes the motivation of things hits you)


    "Hm mmh mmh hm hmhm, hmm mhm hmm hm hm hmm hm hm"

    – Levy

    Thank you Levy for these truly inspiring words

    This is the closest Levy ever got to not mentioning Magnus in his title.

    disrespect to my german boy Vincent Keymer is unreal

    The Dunning-Krueger-Effect describes the disproportional rise of confidence if you know a bit about a subject. You start with 0 knowledge + 0 confidence , then your confidence rises disproportional to your knowledge, then your confidence crashes as you realize that you don't know anything. Then yor confidence rises slowly.

    Make this second top comment, so no one else can get it

    Kudos for Dunning-Kruger mentioning and great commentry as always.

    I don't believe Hikaru has ever played in Tata Steel.

    so kind of magnus to let other chess players into his video

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