He only moved his king. He won.

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%1$ Comments792

    I saw this game on Reddit and couldn’t believe the king run

    I refuse to believe this was a real game.

    I would buy the course, but it's going to be pretty irrelevant when Chess 2 drops

    The king snorts a white substance YEEEEAAAAAHHH LETS GOOOOOOOOOOO

    Wait, why didn't the king become a queen by getting to the end of the board.

    I have to say Chessly really is the best resource I've used to get better at chess. The only thing that would make it better is to have it in the convenience of an app

    You saw a chess player who would lose to Cody in Sparkchess.

    They play so bad but they are both grandmasters thats weird

    "Imagine a king who fights his own battles. Wouldn't that be a sight?" ~Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson

    The title should be "how to win a chess game with only a king"

    I have to admit, this game kind of smells suspicious.

    Where the hell are these 500s. I'm not joking, I'm around 600 and everyone makes limited blunders and has a fairly good grasp, even some tactics. It's not uncommon to both have accuracy of 75% plus. I never get opponents like this.

    I think we Just saw the power of pierogi and wódka (ang. Vodka), im also pretty sure that the game happen in the time of Oktoberfest, that would explain many things (and yes pierogi is already plural, pieróg is singular so if you would want to say pieróg in plural it would be pierógs or Just pierogi)

    'If you want a thing done well, do it yourself.' – Napoleon Bonaparte

    Todays stare was brief yet absolutely terrifying

    In the beginning this dude rambled off like 20 moves

    I love that the black knight is hanging for about 20 moves

    That is King Arthur or Oleg of Novgorod type of badassery, and I speak taking Constantinople with a bunch of friends badassery.

    this video should name "How to break Stockfish"

    Remember when Thanos said "Fine, I'll do it myself."

    Levy: yeah slap yourself don't move your queen
    Me: Scandinavian Defense

    Master Levy: Slap yourselves for walking the queen – circa 2023

    its funny that as the clickbait gets worse, the videos get better

    The clickbait on these videos is getting out of hand.

    when i was playing martin with 15 queens, i was down 10 queens (90 points of material), and it said i have a +65.2

    Levi I got to see you in NY
    I'll be there supporting Trump gang butchered by your crooked New York DA who literally ran on prosecuting him on anything

    You killed me with the Pierogi, najlepszy youtuber świata ❤

    15:04, I'm pretty sure the only reason the knight moved was so the king could be the one to take the rook

    “A king is no king if he does not partake in war”

    – someone somewhere

    The king saying, "fine, I'll do it myself."

    The king be like:
    “Fine, I’ll do it myself”

    It's almost as if the black king hypnotized white into being helpless with every one of its moves.

    if we all took gothoms courses he wouldn't be able to review bad games

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