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%1$ Comments216

    I think this is a case of the commentator making the matches sound more interesting than they are. This is a backhanded compliment to Gotham before I get pin of shamed. lol

    Chess kids? Sweet, I can finally beat some kids😂.


    I can actually relate to his story, I started in December 29 2022 and grinded from 320 elo to 1187 elo.

    Then I plummeted to 1049 elo and stopped playing. Not feeling that great about my chess lately but I'll get my mojo back hopefully.

    I dont know, 1k elo is not at all impressive. I got up there myself quite rapidly. Getting higher than 1200 would be quite impressive though.
    Its possible to get to 1k elo by your natural intellect alone. Getting to 1500 requires some knowledge of SOME chess theory though.
    Anyway, just a peronal oppinion. Perhaps its much harder for some people to achieve 1k elo, who knows.

    I just played against BIG_TONKA_T randomly, I watched this video yesterday 😂

    15:09 I was fully ready for him to say this is a guy of focus, commitment and sheer fking will

    1200 games in a month is 38 rapid games a day.
    If he only plays 10+0, and every game lasts 12 minutes, that means that he played 7.6 hours of chess every day

    I would bet that you would beat tyler1 in a chess boxing match.

    'he was watching my videos and losing a lot of games…. Like you guys do' 😢😢😢

    Too too true

    Great video, which reminds me that chess is for everyone.

    Jimmy, Squeaks sounds like Italian mafia nicknames.

    "He was watching my videos and losing games kinda like you guys do" THE DISRESPECT

    We definitely need to see a Frank vs Tyler1 first before he gets to play Got ham Cheeks or Hikirow or Magnus Carlston. Theres levels to this…

    The thing is Tyler is very competetive and also gets addicted easily. I don't find it strange at all that he is climbing rapidly. He is a grinding demon, he can sit and grind a game for 12-14 hours per day every day.

    Pausing the video at the point where you said I'm 35 and don't watch twitch to tell you that I am indeed 35 and I rarely watch anything on twitch 😂

    His dedication makes me feel like if he is given a time of 3 to 5 years he may defeat many GMs

    Bro Can Make 100 elo Chess Player A Grandmaster

    Not that if a child learns to walk very quickly, then he will definitely become a Marten runner.

    Ok but this one was actually clickbait this time

    Never underestimate the power of an esports guy grinding until his brain bleeds and making amazing progress in any game. 🙂

    this is the equivalent to how much he grinds on the league ladder, his perseverance in crazy

    "Some people get frustrated, you can't get frustrated." My man T1 is playing League, chess is like a walk in a park compared to that shitshow.

    Don't know how familiar with LoL or T1 are you, but he's an absolute grinder. He's one of the first people to get challenger(top 0.01 i think) on all 5 roles, averages thousands of games a year on LoL. He just doesn't stop. It's insane to watch his match history.

    Shoot, he’s like the irl Luka Doncic bot, getting stronger every week. I want to play him while he’s still lower rated than me.

    T1 is the same man who decided to main all 5 roles in League of Legends just to prove to everyone how easy it was to achieve Challenger in all of them. 2000+ easy

    tyler1 is one of those guys that understands and appreciates hard work

    that playtime per day is pretty typical for a league of legends streamer / pro player tbqh and it's hard core

    Tyler refuses to leave my YouTube recommended 😂

    I just watched this guy last night and he was losing vs an 800.

    This is why I love Gotham. He's not put off by the unorthadox style of Tyler1 or his errogant persona. He's just excited to talk about a persons newfound interest into a sport that he loves. I've said it before but your passion is contagious.

    To be honest to archive 1000 elo is not hard

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